Logbook entry

When is a Bishop a Pawn?

It seems a fair few CMDRs had quite the adventure over the holiday period. I've had more than enough time to read public logbooks as I've been doing slave work for peanuts these past few weeks. Sure, it finally got me a Dukedom yesterday, but I don't give two prayers for the Cutter. I'm going to free myself of these chains if it kills me.

In order to do so, I've spent the time I haven't been doing odd jobs for peanuts either praying, preaching, or plotting. I've got to get at least six Imperial Hammers out from under the Empress' nose by the end of next cycle, and that's before I even make my own cut, if I dare. Beyond even this, I've got to somehow defect and come up looking like roses, or I'll never regain face.

I've been careful to save face throughout this ordeal. I've kept my head down and done my work. This has ingratiated me with Orpheus immensely, and he assured me I shall have swift promotions ahead of me if I continue as I have. Of course, he used about thrice the words he needed, but I'm getting used to his mannerisms. It would almost be endearing if it wasn't so constant.

So, although my gut tells me I may regret this decision, Orpheus has become the linchpin of my plan. When he gave me Eurydice, I too her to Sheng for re-fitting. In the past few weeks, I've managed to fit an Enlightenment Machine in her. Whereas originally they were the size of a power plant, you can easily disguise them as a standard metal detector used galaxy-wide for basic security check nowadays. All I needed was a reason for him to get back on board.

To invite someone into your apartment on a station is one thing. To invite someone on your ship is quite another. But this wasn't just my ship. This was his ship, and he had memories. So I flew off to get some Mechucos High Tea after the news came through of my Dukedom, and took it with me to meet Orpheus in Macmillan Terminal. It took a bit of explaining getting the tea through customs, as it seems every serious trader was trying for a Dukedom nowadays, and as a result Onionhead checks were tighter. I hadn't had any inebriates since before New Years', and a couple of teabags saw me through in the end.

Once I finally met the man, I took the lead in the conversation as so not to allow him time to ponder my motives, or worse yet speak. I explained that, seeing as it was his networking and good grace that facilitated my rise to Dukedom, that I would reward him by taking his vessel across the Aucocks Pocket, as he had once wished to do himself. The tea sealed the deal without a second thought, as these Imperials value a good cup of tea more than any rum you could offer.

I was true to my word, and we discussed the glory of the Monolith all the way there and back home again. Suffice to say the Queen is on the chessboard, so to speak. Now, if  I can just get my Knight in place, I might be able to orchestrate a checkmate against that scurvy dog, Springheel Jack.

But all good things to those who wait, and revenge is a dish us Preachers serve at a simmering heat...
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