Logbook entry

Bad Luck Tycoon

I've been scanned more in the past cycle than I have since I left Gcirthi last August. I blame it on getting my Tycoon rating, to be honest. When you're an Entrepreneur, people still assume you're working for a niche audience in some regard. But once you've made it to Tycoon...well, even the title sounds like you're acting like a big shot when you say it.

Scarlet finally bugged me enough about my smuggling prowess that I've decided to stop playing it so safe. I was making ten mil a run out of Robigo to stay quiet. Well there's no need to be quiet now. I've had to install weapons on Eurydice, but I can squeeze almost thirty out of each run if the Cartel throw me the right bones. I'm not looking to make as much as some CMDRs out there, but I want enough to afford that Beluga when it hits. Even if I can't outfit it fully, I can still use it to help Black Omega as I promised.

Pahn delivered on her promise. She ended the war between my people and Gcirthi Gold United group within a day's sabbatical she took from fighting in Okinura. When I threw a celebration for her tied with a leaving do for me, she failed to attend because she was too busy finishing the other war that was going on. That being said, we own all the stations in Gcirthi now, but a war broke out two days after we left. I'm going to let the boys get on with it for a bit whilst I try and ingratiate myself with my new hosts.

And so far, they've been pretty good hosts. Whilst my use of flight assist has become something of a running joke amongst them, they've been very supportive of me in my first tentative steps with it turned off. As much as I'm expected to help out in the future, Black Omega has been stuck in an economic boom that, whilst good for business, doesn't help the fat cats think about putting their money into expanding our influence. Normally these things only last a cycle or so, but for some reason the rats seem to be enjoying their cheese of late, and it's been going on indefinitely.

So I've spent the remaining time working on my nest egg, and learning how to fly again. Pahn thinks I'm over-estimating the cost of the Beluga, but we've had a little bet going on amidst everyone as to how much it will cost, and peoples ideas range from 150mil at the cheapest, 500 mil at the mid range, and a billion dollars as my own paranoid tuppence on the matter. Regardless, I've not got the same luxury of time I had when I was back home. This “new economy” is a bubble waiting to burst, and even if that wasn't the case, I'm not only working for myself now. But I'm finding it easier being myself, at least.

Back home, it didn't matter what I did, I was never good enough. Sure, I call myself a pyrat king, but I'm more of a smuggler at heart. That simple fact made most people think I was a soft touch, and my combat ranking hasn't done much to dissuade people's opines. Now, I need to get better in all regards, but I at least have people to learn from. It might take me a few minutes to dock nowadays, but I at least understand the mechanics of flying properly now. Give it a month and I might even be close to implementing their use.

I also met the only CMDR in the I had yet to introduce myself to. As I prepared to run through some flight training this weekend, I received a message from Gizmo to say that my presence was required at Orulas. I'd read the article in Galnet, and I'd assumed we were over there to help out the Blue Hand. We've all been interdicted one too many times by the Security Forces and besides, it'd be nice to be able to call in the favour if we were this side of the bubble. As Gizmo explained to me over a video feed on the way, the plan had changed.

Now, when Gizmo's talking, he may look as smart as any Federal lawyer, but he laughs hesitantly about as much as he talks. If I were to say it made him sound shady, I'd have to use a belfry. His ability to engage in acts others might find distasteful probably preceded and explained his laughter though.

“Yeah, heh, you see...we were planning to..heh, you know...'ave a butchers, heh...see what's going on, you know?” That much I'd gathered. You never enter a fight without at least knowing the numbers involved, and if you don't know what heat they're packing, you probably should've looked longer.

“Well, as we were...heh...takin' it all in, y'know...this random Blue Hand frakker in a 'conda comes along and...heh...heh, heh...”

He started laughing hysterically, and I wondered what was so funny. Gizmo didn't seem like he cared which side he fought for anyway, but the switch seemed incredulous. Pahn had never been shot down in combat, and there's only so many ways you can kill a 'conda before it all goes back to business as usual. After about half a minute, he managed to calm down enough to speak.

“...this guy...heh...he just...heh, heh...he flies right through her! Hahaha! One insurance claim later, and Pahn's been out for blood all weekend. Apparently she's..heh...trying to make them pay triple and..heh, they're not taking it very well. And that means she needs to take impudence tax on top.”

I couldn't believe it. Pahn wouldn't even answer her comms to me, and I couldn't blame her. Who was I? I probably couldn't have corrected my vector if I was flying at her myself without my assist on. Heck, I'm half sure I've been a bad luck charm since I got here, but that might be my paranoia talking. Regardless, Gizmo and I got talking as he kept an eye on me in the combat zone, and Pahn went off killing everything and appearing behind us when we started getting attacked. She might've been in a bad mood, but she still had our backs.

Watching them fight, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Gizmo had barely finished kitting up his first Asp, but he'd never turned on his flight assist, and his competent status belied his ability to control his craft. It felt weird trading tips about heat management and module priorities with him for help with my own flight issues. I guess we all expect stormtroopers to be a little taller...and he seems to laugh more when he's talking to me, so perhaps he finds me funny as well.

So the next cycle or so I'm going to finish my nest egg, and after that, who knows? Obviously I'll continue to learn how to fly, and I'll be free to finally get involved with Black Omega in full force, but the specifics beyond that are hazy. I just hope I don't get bored enough to waste my money on a Cutter or 'conda in the mean time. I don't even know a trade route that'd make me more than I would flying Eurydice right now, and I'd only sell them by the summer from the looks of things anyway. Tourist season can't come fast enough.
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