Logbook entry

A New Start

Logbook Entry - Commander Roberta "Bobbie" Draper
Date: 3310-08-26
Location: Xinca Star System
Ship: ASP Expedition
Mission Status: Standby

The Xinca system is quiet tonight—too quiet, maybe. The kind of quiet that lets your thoughts run wild. I’m sitting here in the cockpit of the ASP Expedition, with nothing but the soft hum of the ship’s systems and the distant glow of Xinca’s star for company. It’s peaceful, but there’s something else stirring in the back of my mind.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what lies beyond the Bubble. All these years, I’ve been locked in combat, fighting off pirates and Thargoids, always on the front lines. It’s what I know best, what I’ve been trained for. But is it all there is?

I keep hearing about Harvard Station. It’s a name that comes up in conversations between explorers and wanderers, spoken with a mix of awe and reverence. It’s out there, 14,000 light years away from all of this—deep in the Perseus Arm, far beyond the reach of the Federation, the Empire, or even the Alliance. A starbase on the edge of the unknown, surrounded by systems that no one’s mapped, no one’s explored.

I can’t get it out of my head.

What would it be like to leave all this behind? To jump from system to system, each one a step further into the unknown? The idea of setting a course for Harvard Station is tempting. It’s like a siren’s call, pulling me away from the war, away from the violence that seems to define life in the Bubble.

I’ve spent so long fighting, but maybe it’s time to start exploring. There’s something about the idea of heading into uncharted space that makes my pulse quicken. It’s not just the thrill of discovery—it’s the chance to find something more, something bigger than the endless battles I’ve been part of.

Harvard Station… The name alone feels like an invitation. A place where I could step out of the shadow of war and into the light of exploration. To see what no one else has seen, to go where no one else has gone. It’s not just about leaving the Bubble behind—it’s about finding out who I am when the fighting stops.

I’m not sure when I’ll make the jump. But I think it’s inevitable now. The stars are calling, and I don’t think I can resist much longer. Maybe it’s time to plot a course—time to see just how far the galaxy goes.

End log.
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