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Burst Laser Upgrade Follow Up

24 Nov 2016Sekiou
With a little effort I increased my access to Broo Tarquin to Level 5 in order to get make the best upgrades available and ran around 10 upgrades on two class 2 turret mounted burst lasers.
So why turret mounts? Failry simple, when flying a big bird like my Imperial Clipper White Crane, having turret mounted weaponary means that you can keep hitting smaller faster and more maneuverable ships that you couldn't otherwise do with gimballed or fixed weapons.

And why burst lasers over beam or Pulse? I preffer beams but thought I should give the bursts a go, with the Focused Weapon upgrade the AP rating starts to shoot up so even if the damage is less perhaps taking out an enemies power plant will be easier.

Overall not impressed. the bursts have a fantastic range, one is little over 5km and the other a little under 5km but they seem to only tickle an enemies shields and the increased AP doesn't seem to do much either.

I've placed the bursts into storage and refitted my level 3 overcharged turreted class 2 beams, it's nice watching someones shields just melt away and with the upgrades on my distro power managment is not much of a problem.

One potentially useful aspect to the burst lasers is that I can engage ships at safely long range in a CZ and still score credits. I'ce already tried this out and it seems to work but a bit more field testing wont hurt.
Do you like it?
︎0 Shiny!
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