Logbook entry

An expensive mistake

27 Nov 2016Sekiou
Oh what a school boy error, but to say that could be taken as demeaning to school boys.
I hooked up with my cousin today, this doesn't happen often, something to do with the time difference with living half a world away.
My cuz, Cmdr Cync, has never done much with engineers or surface mission and until today ahd never scanned a data point even though he does have Deadly combat rank and probably a similar trading rank.
He now wants to upgrade he Imperial Cutter and needs some Spec. Leg. Software so I said I would intorduce him to joys of data points.
We met up at Deciat where he made a couple of spins to increase his acces to dear Felicity to level 3 for his needed thruster upgrade. From here we went next door to Xinca as there are a couple of facilities close the arrival point and a nearby starport.
There is a nice +++ installation on Xinca 1A we headed for, Cync dropped out of FSD before me and I was interdicted by a mission related NPC in a vulture who got what was coming to him without leaving so much as scratch on me.
When I got down to the surface, Cync was already nosing around. I had a quick look and realized I knew the layout so finding the data points was going to be easy and there was a core data point as well. Without thinking I set about nailing turrets and having fun then Cync yelled that his ship was under attack. Ah! thinks me. I go and blast the anti ship that hitting him. Wrong move, so very wrong. Another turret opens up on Cync and yet another starts on my ship.
So we try legging it.
Cync managed to get off the ground and into space, I on the other hand don't get further thana coule of hunderd meters before I get turned into so much wreckage.
I can't believe I let it happen! How many installations have I scanned, skimmers shot down and turrets blown away?
To may to count.
So what did I forget? To dismiss the ships before letting loose with my trusty SRV that's what.

What a dummy. Several hours, cargoes and a high paying passenger to make back the insurance cost.
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︎0 Shiny!
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