Logbook entry

An explorers journal Voyages I to III (in brief).

02 Dec 2016Sekiou
I remember rolling into Worldige Station at the end on November 3301, my shiny new pilots license in hand and the keys to beat up Sidewinder, one carful owner, honest.
I thought it looked like the next best thing to a Gin & Tonic on a hot day.

I'm supposed to be writting up my voyages of exploration, so onward..

Voyage I: Space Dust.
My first voyage, if you can call it that, was in the local area around Worldige and took place in early Dec 3301. I had hauled my butt into an Eagle with the meager profits that I was making in my Sidewinder and only had the basic disco scanner. Having looked into no more than 10 systems and probably got no further 20 lights away for Worldige I was interdicted and turned into space dust. I was very new to the universe of Elite.

Vooyage II: Jump planning, how not to do it.
The next time I headed out, this must have been either at the end of Dec or early January 3302, I still only had the basic disco scanner but had managed to get myself into Cobra MkIII. Heading in the direction of Pipe Stem/Bowl I made it out of the bubble and ran into a patch of brown dwarves due to not being particularly good at jump planning. With dismay I realised that I didn't have enough fuel to go back the way I had come and spent some time locating a star on the galaxy map that I could refuel at. At this point I still hadn't noticed that if the Inforamtion tab is selected, you can see the star type and I was guessing wildly by the colour of the star in map! I was lucky to make it home.

Voyage III: A trip to Maia.
Maybe it was Feb 3302, I'm not sure, I made my first visit to Maia in my trusty Cobra MkIII. I had finally got an Adv disco and Detail disco. Man that was tedius but it was the furthest that I had gone and my first black hole. I hadn't read up on Barnalces and Meta-Alloys at this time so didn't see any. Still it was a good trip and I was proud to that I had been there.
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