Logbook entry


26 Aug 2016Ryan Murdoc
"There is always shame in the creation of an object for the public gaze." Rachel Cusk

Greeboski's Outpost, several days later.

Standing in the shadows I watched the door of the Maidenhead Arms bar. The place where she was ravaged and torn asunder. Out of a feeling of guilt that nobody would even come close to understand. Writing it off as insanity, it was far more then just that.

It was the attempt to punish what never would've needed punishing. Scarring her forever. And no evidence to show so the suspects couldn't be dealt with in a trial according to law. But there are other ways then the law to make such people pay. Death is such a final verdict, yet probably appropriate for the heinous crime at hand.

There are worse things then death though. Much worse.

The door swung open, and out came the quartet I had waited for. Eddie, Pete, Len and Rod, the last one being the big golden hoop wearer and the leader of these rats. The scum had celebrated a very profitable smuggling endeavour and thus was not very steady on their feet. It didn't need much effort to follow them.

After about fifty meters one of the four tripped and fell down, the others laughing and cackling like mad. As they tried to pull him up two more lost their balance and fell to their knees or over the other lying on the ground.

The place was perfect, no cameras, no eye witnesses. My chance to strike.

I sealed the helmet of my EVA suit against my environment, pulled the pins out of the two Sleeping Gas grenades I had brought along and tossed them over at the drunken bunch. The small explosions startled the men, but before they knew what was happening the gas fumes already were all over the place.

Walking over as the vapours had dissipated, I found all four lying in the dirt where they belonged.

I activated my comlink.

"Somnus, this is Scotus. The package is ready for pickup. I repeat, the package is ready for pickup. Deliver to the agreed coordinates. Achlys will take over from there. Scotus out!"

"Roger Scotus. Payment received. Pickup in thirty seconds. Pleasure doing business with you."
a dark female voice answered.

Exactly thirty seconds later four brawny shadows appeared out of nowhere. Each picked one of the immobile guys from the ground as if they were light as paper and disappeared once again.

I waited another minute or two until I moved myself. It was almost too easy, but sometimes luck is on your side.

I frowned. Luck wasn't on her side back then, and it wouldn't be on their side either.

Greeboski's Outpost, three hours later. Back entrance of "The Circus" Fetish club

"Achlys, good to see you. I assume the shipment came in already?"

The towering figure of Achlys moved towards me and nodded.

"We prepared them already. They took quite the effort to be cleaned, but the results are simply magnificent. Do you want to take a look?" he said, his voice being dark and soothing.

"That'll be grand, if you'd be so kind I'd love to see, yes."

He led me through the backstage area and after a few more steps we were standing on a large stage. Upon it in the middle and surrounded by lights and a vast array of recording equipment were Eddie, Pete, Len and Rod.

Each of them stripped naked, their legs spread apart and their upper parts bent over heavy blackened metal tables. The arms cuffed together on their backs while their lower extremities  were held in place by metal shackles attached to the legs of the tables. Arranged in a way so two were facing each other, just with enough room in between so someone could comfortably stand in front as well. The icing on the cake were the ballgags in their mouths.

Just as I was letting my eyes feast on the scenery, Rod was the first to wake.

A smirk hushed over my face.

"Good morning sunshine! Glad to have you back!" I said with a cheerful voice, watching with satisfaction how Rod slowly tried to move, only to realize he was unable to do so.

"You know who I am Roddy boy?"

He glared up to me, eyes ablaze with hatred.

"I see you do remember me. I remember you too sweetcheeks. What a joyful coincidence that your friends were able to join us, isn't it?"

Rod took his eyes off me and looked at his comrades, each of them bound as he was. As his eyes returned to me, they literally glowed with anger.

"You would love to do nothing more then to kill me now, wouldn't you Roddy boy? That was what I wanted to do with you and the others too. For what you did to Miss Martian, I assume you remember her, yes?"

I lowered my face down to his, putting my fingers under his chin and pressing upwards, creating quite the uncomfortable feeling in his neck.

"The woman you pieces of shit raped and then tossed out like a bag of garbage." I paused for a moment, glaring deep into his eyes.

"Do you know what you did to her? What men do to women when they rape them? They take away every last piece of their soul, making them prisoners in their own body. Never to trust anyone ever again, no men in particular. Destroying their social lives, wrecking possible future relationships, the list goes on and on. Little fucks like you and your buddies here are the reason why countless women take their lives because they can't cope with the constant shame, the pain and memories of them being degraded to a soulless object for sex."

I paused once more, letting go of his chin, standing tall and looking down on him, so he had to look up to meet my gaze.

"I cannot fathom what it means to have such feelings, bordering to the insanity of thinking that they would be responsible what the men did to them. But unlike me, you all will know what it feels like. This lovely Gentleman here next to me is named Achlys. He's your new owner."

Achlys nodded.

"And I will see to it that my orders are obeyed. Disobedience will be dealt with harshly."

Rod was frantically trying to break free of his bonds, but nothing worked. He tried to scream but the ballgag prevented that too.

Smiling, I continued my speech.

"Achlys is also the owner of this wonderful establishment, which produces only the most exquisite gay fetish movies on this Station, ah, what do I say, in the whole System! You will soon be enjoying the rough and yet tender treatment that only a man can give a man. And don't you worry, there's enough vaseline to go around for everyone."

Rod's eyes widened in shock as my grin broadened.

"Tonight there is a large session from what I understand, so you should expect to please about ten to fifteen men. I hope you can cope with so much love my dear buttercup. Don't you worry though, after the first five you should loosen up enough to take the rest with ease. Oh, Achlys, I forgot to ask, is Bruno also part of the shoot tonight?"

"Indeed he is. And he heard there are new guys around. He can't wait to try them out."

"Bruno's nickname is "The Jawbreaker". Use your imagination how he got that one..." I said, winking at Rod.

His expression was simply priceless.

"And when everything is over, your closest friends, business partners, relatives and so forth will get a copy. And then, when word spreads just how much you and the other three enjoy this, you won't need to wait long for other men to approach you for a little private time. Just as she was approached when everyone was thinking she'd be a easy woman. You will know what it means to be stigmatized forever. You will know shame."

Turning around, I nodded at Achlys and left the place. Smirking and wishing Miss Martian well in my thoughts, wherever she'd be.

I could never undo what they did to her. But a little poetic justice I was capable of.

To be continued...
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