Logbook entry

Pugna contra Pacem

18 Sep 2016Ryan Murdoc
"Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means". Ronald Reagan

Two weeks after I finally started to get back in gear and remembering my duties I found myself down at the docks at Greeboski’s Outpost, taking a break from all the planning for to pave the way for our Dear Leader in all the new Systems she expanded into.

Taking a stroll through the different hangars and landing pads I could not help but admire the ships I owned up to this point.

First and foremost my trusty Umbra Vorago, Federal Corvette and flagship of my little fleet. In retrospect I can't really believe how easy it was to achieve the rank of a Rear Admiral with the Federation and gain access to her. Seemed like in another life. Actually, it was.

I'm sad I could find nobody to give it a new paintjob. Granted, we're talking about a military ship, but considering not many were able to withstand her firepower it wouldn't matter if I'd come into view with a lush purple look. Perhaps one day.

Then there is Aurum, my golden Asp Explorer. With it's Increased FSD range, crossing the black is a cakewalk. One day I'd tweak it correctly and set out into deep space for to satisfy my needs for to see wonderful yet lethal sights. And I sure as heck won't be go sightseeing like so many so called Explorers do.

They're nothing but tourists suffering from a severe case of FOMO. Being to places just so you can say "I was there" has absolutely nothing to do with Exploration. Choosing the fastest routes makes you miss out so many things, and the distance travelled doesn't make up for what you skipped along the way. At least that's how I see it.

Next ship I came across was Tonitrui, the Imperial Eagle. As much as I despise the luxury that the Imperials press into their ships, I cannot deny the beauty of this one. With properly adjusted Thrusters it'll make for a very enjoyable ship to race through canyons someday.

When I walked up to my last ship, I did so with mixed feelings.

All others had their purposes. But this here which I aptly named Purpura only was capable of one thing: Destruction.

I was studying the look as I heard the sounds of boots approaching. Glancing around I saw three figures coming towards me and the ship, dressed in the regular dockworker outfits. Two of them passed me without a second look and went to do what seemed to be a daily routine on the FDL. The last one stopped next to me.

"Good morning Commander. What a magnificent ship you have here!"

The young woman was probably in her early 20's, about my height, short blonde hair and eyes of purple. Implants but nonetheless captivating.

"Aye, well, she's nice to look at, I agree." I responded, still a bit in thought.

"Nice to look at? The FDL's are the epitome of engineering. The sleekness of it, how it darts towards your enemy and unleashes its destructive power..."

I smirked.

"So I take it you're quite the fan, yes?"

"Most definitely. One day when I've saved up enough money and made my Pilot's license I want to own one. And bring myself many credits and justice and freedom to the galaxy!" she said, every word brimming with energy and dedication.

"But wouldn't you rather want something else?"

"No, why would anyone want any other ship then this one? Well, maybe a Vulture but they are not stylish enough in my eyes!"

She smiled, revealing glistening white teeth.

"This ship has only one purpose: to seek and destroy. You can't do much else with it unless you plan to do some Data deliveries. No chance to equip it for anything else."


I started, then sighed.

"If you're only able to fight, what else is there in the end? If you're just going out to battle others, would that really satisfy every desire you probably have?"

She looked at me if I said something completely stupid. Maybe I did.

"Guess there's no fire left in you Commander? Burned out, perhaps?"

I turned around facing her, my back to the ship and the others.

"Excuse me? Why you think I'm burned out?"

"Well, the way you're talking. The way I understand you is that you have no desire to fight anymore."

"That's not true."

"But it sounded like it."

"What I wanted to say is that you have to have other goals then just that in your life. I couldn't fathom to do Mining myself because I found it so boring, until I had the right ship and the right module setup for to enjoy the tranquility in the asteroid belts. Dismantling over a thousand or more ships will get you there, believe me."

Her eyes went wide.

"A thousand or more..."

"Yes, if you've fought in so many RES sites and Combat zones like me you tend to get weary at one point. I am not saying I won't enjoy killing the occasional bad guy or fight for the so called right cause in a Combat zone, but..."

"...you have no fire left"
she ended my speech.

I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, if you want to call it that, fine. I simply look at it from another angle. If you kill for the right reasons, and only the so called bad guys, then you can probably sleep tight at night and don't worry about what you might call a conscience. Murderers, rapists and so forth deserve to die, no question. But it's easy to point a finger and call someone those things. And before you know it you're killing everyone just for credits not asking for the reasons anymore. Turning yourself into a soulless killer."

She flashed me with a eerie smile all of a sudden.

"A soulless killer? You mean like yourself?"

"I am not a..."
I got out.

Then I was grabbed from behind.

My arms were pulled behind my back by one person while another jerked my head to the side with one arm, feeling the sting of a needle in my throat within the next second.

My head started spinning, the strength left my body, making me go down to my knees.

I looked up at the woman, my vision blurring.


"Time to turn you into a weapon again..."
I heard her voice before the lights went out.

To be continued...
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