Logbook entry

Funny things happen sometimes

14 Sep 2015Ryan Murdoc
Seemed to be another drag today doing my regular business, yet there was something nice to remember...

As i wrote in my last entry, i am also accepting Authority kill missions now (though i REALLY have to get myself a Frame Shift Interdictor, waiting for those knuckleheads to find and interdict me or appearing at the local Nav Beacon is tiresome).

Got interdicted by a Imperial Clipper, flapping his mouth as they do "Ah, the big load / ship i've been looking for / blahblubberblubb" etc. Anyways,  i happily comply, rubbing my hands already. We get out of SC, i get my weapons up and start scanning him....and then the sucker starts up his FSD because a freaking Security Vessel has dropped down along with us. And it was a measly Eagle of all things, and the guy tucks his tail between his legs and moves out ! Barely had time to complete the Scan, he was only worth 115k something Credits. I dispatched the Eagle and went on my way.

Same place (Neche System i mean), about 10 minutes later...

Whilst flying to the next station to unload my goods, another interdiction, this time from a Viper Security Vessel. Dropping out, starting to fire, then he screams something as in "See you in Hell!" and hauls his ass away, i keep chasing and firing, but he slips beyond my firing range at 1% Hull.  I keep on boosting but no chance, so i stow my weapons and continue my flight to the Station.

The moment i get out of SC, who you think drops out with me ? Yep, same guy, blasting my Com with "I'm hit, I'm hit !" and other speeches. I align myself with him, only to see the sorry sot rotate around his own axis like crazy. I smirked - and kicked in the boost and rammed him, splitting the damn thing open like a tin can.

Hey, he wanted me to go to hell, i only send him in advance to fix my room...

Anyways, roughly 6.6 Million for this trip, not too shabby i'd say. One step closer to that A 7 Power Plant.
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