Logbook entry


07 Nov 2016Ryan Murdoc

Good day there Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wanted to let you know that although I've already made several preparations to give my Character story a new heading I feel somewhat empty currently to continue on my journey with him.

As it stands now, Coragon is listed as deceased, yet that's only the official story (there's more to it background wise, once I get around to write it down).

I know others are making due with photoshopped pictures of their characters, or even paying considerable sums to gifted artists to get them their looks. But even though that's ok it doesn't really appeal to me.

Call me stupid, but I want to have a representation of my looks that is within the boundaries of the game I'm playing. Has been that way in the past, and probably due to that the habit stuck with me not to try anything else.

Thus I will halt to continue writing my own stories until the Character creator of Elite comes around with the 2.3 update. Playing my Char without distinctive facial or bodily features isn't really going to cut it in the long run. As you might've noticed I've stayed very vague in the past giving my NPC characters much depth, probably due to having no depth IC wise with Coragon.

And although it is useful not to go into a frenzy to describe ever little detail and thus leaving the reader without even a sliver of imagination, a bare minimum should be there.

My Character might appear under his new name Ryan Murdoc in other peoples storylines, and perhaps that is the best way for now.

After all, if the Galaxy is supposed to think you're dead, you should make yourself scarce as much as possible, right?

Thanks to those who followed my attempts to writing, and putting up with probably many plot holes and dead ends story wise.

Trying to make a comeback someday if RL and my brain permit it.

Until then, fly where the credits take you.

Ex Umbra o7
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