Logbook entry

Looping about

28 Sep 2015Ryan Murdoc
Alright, back to NLTT 21088 and Neche for the time being. Think i'll earn a few million credits more until the 6th of next month. Might come in handy to have some spare money, since it'll be a while until i make any kind of significant profit again methinks.

Also paid the Tun System a visit, heard that you can do only donations and earn reputation with the Feds that way. But it's like with Mining, boring as hell, so i went back to my "home" aka Dobrovolski Ring. And i'll do whatever they want now, shooting everything. Best contract yet was to blow apart 10 Traders for 520k Creds. Poor bastards, but it's a Anarchy system i'm hunting in. They know what they would get themselves into, or at least should've.
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