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Smuggling finally pays BIG bucks !

18 Oct 2015Ryan Murdoc
Moved myself to Bodhinga, it was said to give out "big buck" Smuggling missions, plus the added bonus to gain reputation with the Empire. And since blowing apart Ships gets somewhat dull after a while, i went there and tried it out. And boy does it pay off ! The destinations are somewhat further away and it requires quite some jumping with my Python, but at least i don't need to worry about the occasional dimwitted Pirate or Authority vessel blowing me up.

I wisely invested 28 Million in a A 6 Fuel Scoop, and it worked (and works) like a charm. I fuel up after every jump, don't want to be stranded out somewhere with nothing left and only depending on the Fuel Rats to help me (sorry folks, you're a wonderful bunch of people, but i'd try to make your life less stressful. You got enough "Commanders" out there who don't give a damn about fueling up or outright relying on you to help them - without pay...)

First run i only loaded up to 85/160 in my Cargo hold, second time it was 157/160. Took it's sweet time to deliver, but in the end it paid off big time (i could write down the profit margin, but i'm nobody that boasts around about just how much cash is stored away. Keeps the Greedy and the Envious from my doorstep so to speak).

And to top it all off, i went from being a Nobody to Squire with the Empire without breaking a sweat. So all in all, quite the wonderful time to be had. And i aim to repeat it as often as possible from here on out.
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