Logbook entry

The only Constant in Life is Change

13 Dec 2015Ryan Murdoc
I really have to say, i never would've expected this. For all the negative i've witnessed and experienced in my life so far, it is simply stunning just how much i've delved into it - the Ghost Squadron. Even though i would probably never admit it, they've become more of a family then what sorry excuse i had back there, in that pitch black Hole that is my Past.

With our latest successful claim (by a "Election" nonetheless, though it required the usual use of Thermic and Kinetic "convincing" too), thus getting us power over 2 of the 3 Stations in the System, any doubts that i would've had regarding Leadership or Planning are gone. With such a level of dedication (that in some cases might border close to devout zealotry) we're doing the first steps for to gain control slowly but surely.

And one day, far from now perhaps, but on the Horizon, we'll be strong enough to be a Power to be reckoned with.
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