Logbook entry


21 Dec 2015Ryan Murdoc
Quite the day today as i received a Private Message from CMDR Veyder, informing me i had been promoted to Division Leader by him.

While it is quite the honor it also brings along quite the pressure, being a leading figure and someone others have to "look up to". Geez, yeah, especially me is so totally someone to look up to....not. Oh well...

I'll continue to do what i do, which seems the reason i got into the position i am in now. Though admittivly, it feels good to help those who just start within the Ghost Squadron, lend them some help to earn some credits more easily. I am fully aware that some might take advantage of our help and repay it not with gratitude, but will just use us for their own benefit and once they have reaped enough, try to move on.

They might try, sure...if they live long enough to regret such actions is another thing...

Anyways, since i am a Division Leader now, i'd like to suggest our own brand of...well, no idea what. Appearance ? War Cry ? You know, those foolish little things us boys like to do to feel "awesome". I remember overhearing some song that really had a good, how you say that, "drive" ? "Vibe"? Whatever, it sounded great for a entrance....

Although i know we'd be "Ex Umbra" and thus probably shouldn't make no sound at all, i wouldn't mind having this music blaring over the Coms of our opponents once we start to rain bullets and lasers on them. I'll have a talk with our Dear Leader about it next time i see him around.
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︎3 Shiny!
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