Logbook entry

Farming Criminals

29 Dec 2015Ryan Murdoc
I am astonished those miscreants keep showing up at the Hazardous Resource Site close to Phiagre 4, but i guess the greed for money is far stronger then their self preservation instinct. Otherwise i can't explain why they'd show up, knowing fully well their end is near.

For my ship tears them apart with such ease it's like cleaving through butter. Within mere moments, i destroy the Powerplants of anything from a Asp up to a Anaconda. Smaller ships get vaporized so quickly due to my Pulse Laser barrage it's as they never existed. A true masterpiece of destruction she is, and bringing me so much joy, credits and the ability to help the Ghost Squadron reach them goals even faster.

For now, we're supporting another faction until both are around the same level of influence. Civil War will ensue, and we'll do everything to crush the resistance, taking over the last Station in the System, making it truly our home.

And afterwards, we'll gaze outwards once more, expanding to another System. Which one it'll be ? Nobody knows yet, but regardless, we'll prevail and conquer !

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