Logbook entry

Together it's more fun

31 Dec 2015Ryan Murdoc
After tirelessly cleansing the HazRES of Phiagre today and earning close to 15 million credits, i thought i would enjoy some R&R on Sopheos. I even shot down enough to be deemed worthy to be recognized as "Deadly" as my Combat rank now. It's nice to have, no doubt about that, yet...it's kinda counterproductive. Now even more criminals will haul their rears away from me and i have to chase them down, which isn't the easiest feat in my trusted Umbra Vorago.

Some of my comrades tell me to sell the Military Grade Bulkheads and go back to the Lightweight Alloys, because that would make the Ship "so light it's as if you're flying with a Vulture, just a bigger one ! And it turns just the same, too !". Considering i never possessed a Vulture let alone flew around in one, i couldn't tell, and i sure as heck won't buy me one just to find out. If anything there be another Python once i am done buying that A 8 Powerplant for my beautiful Dark Abyss, so i can do my old Smuggling again if i feel like it. But i'll be damned if i risk to be torn to shreds because i don't don a good enough protection on her. Besides, i am used to a slower movement of this ship by now, and it's turning quick enough for my needs. Once the A 8 is installed, i can add extra Shield Boosters along, which makes the Corvette even more impenetrable and better suited for ramming.

Anyways, there was one more noteworthy event. After unsuccessfully trying to find some peace of mind on Sopheos, i thought to myself that it probably be a good thing to, well, you could say "socialize" in means of meeting younger Commanders. Not trying to coax them into coming directly to the Ghost Squadron, more like meeting with them, winging a bit in a HazRES close to them and granting them a good amount of credits through the accumulated bounties. Maybe they'd be impressed enough to remember and would spread the word, perhaps seeking us out themselves and becoming part of us. It sometimes just needs a small stone to create a landslide, or however that saying goes.

So there i was, thinking of whom be interested to join a Wing with me. I understand that through some nasty propaganda by those who defected from our Ranks we were branded as....whatever one could come up with in a negative way, so to speak. So i was prepared for the worst, yet, i was lucky. The person i found was CMDR BVits, though that was just her callsign as i found out later on. Her real name supposedly is Ms. Nova Cassidy. After a bit of talk i agreed to come to her, as she was trying to make good with the Federation and gain reputation to be promoted, just like me not too long ago.

And i'll be forever damned if i forget where i came from and what it took to leave it all behind to become who i am today...

So i flew over to CD-63 1560, Watanabe Station, to grace myself with A 6 Fuel Scoop, for without at least this Class, flying any distances with a Corvette is near impossible. As good as she's for fighting, as miserable she is for travelling. But with this it would work, on i went, eventually finding myself in the Qa'Wakana System, which not only sported a load of Conflict Zones, but also a huge assembly of HiRES and two HazRES. After meeting at Carpini Terminal (quite the sight that Station, sported two Habitat Rings near a Earth-like World, plus Asteroid rings around it. Very beautiful) we picked one of the HazRES's as our hunting ground and off we went.

She must've thought i'd think of her as a bloody rookie the amount of times i went through my tactics and what she should do and not do, but luckily she politely reminded me that she's had her fair share of bounties collected and thus knew how to do her part. And boy was she right about it. We tore through every single Ship with such ease it was heaven. Even Wings of 3 were no problem, though once she was a bit too trigger happy and i wasn't done scanning, but even though her shields collapsed and she endured some hull damage, we cleared the situation quickly and thus continued until i noticed that i really should get a good amount of sleep. So we parted ways after flying back to Carpini Terminal, she walked away with almost 1.5 Million worth of bounties as she said, and myself gained the same, plus another Million who had been piling up through my killing down in Phiagre.

I bid her farewell, and jumped back to Phiagre, going to sleep now and checking on how the influences have changed when i wake up. But one things for sure, i'd love to see her again and wing up once more. The flying and fighting she does is exceptional, and when she's that good in a Asp, i am wanting to see all the mayhem she can cause in a Python. Which is the Ship she's aiming for next if i remember correctly.

Nova "BVits" Cassidy, i'll see to it that your dream comes true. Count on it.
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