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Question Mark on forehead

13 Jan 2016Ryan Murdoc
Still waiting on the promised "revelation" of sorts regarding my questions about how I came to be where I am now. I asked a few times about what they wanted to show me, but so far they only told me that it's "in the making". Excuse me ? I don't want to watch a freaking film of sorts, where I am in the starring role as cannon fodder. I want answers, and good ones, because if I don't get none I'll haul my rear out and away.

On the flipside, everyone I came across so far either huddled away as if I'd carry a mortal disease or virus whenever I came into their view, or they couldn't stop congratulating me for "restoring my honor" in this way. But from what I've gathered through the conversations among the Ghosts was that I did something that's absolutely unforgivable, at least for someone in my rank and position within the Squadron. So much that my previous Me decided to go out in a Blaze of Glory by his fellow comrades ? Or well, almost did that is, since I am writing so, they didn't succeed....or did they and just cloned another Me ?

I guess when I start talking to different versions of myself all of a sudden it wouldn't bother anybody.....damn.

On the plus side, I've had flashes of a female voice appearing in my brain, combined with a word: Nova. I'd hope that be the name of the woman with those blue / purple hairs I remembered a while ago, but if she's the one I don't know still. Plus, I have also no idea in what standing we two were. Was she a brief encounter somewhere among the stars, a enemy that wanted to see me dead ? Were we two together, or - though that probably the least possible explanation - is or was she my fiancee / wife / ex-wife ? Because if the latter be the case she'd either be by my side or would've called and complained that she'd have to wait longer for the life insurance money....not that I'd remember having any insurance except for the ship though.

Which brings me to another point of interest - my Corvette. For some odd reason I had the urge to go Mining with it, but as I arrived at Bhare System and went to the A 3 A Metallic Resource Extraction sites, after the first shots of Mining Laser fire, I felt so utterly.....bored within a instant. It just felt wrong to be there. That changed however when a inexperienced guy or gal in a Fer-de-Lance scanned me and demanded that I'd drop my cargo (although i didn't have any in my hold at the time, stupid morons they're, the lot of 'em) and opened fire. I still had my Medium and Large Pulse Lasers installed, so I vaporized him / her / it without too much sweat....and as I saw the explosion ripping the ship to shreds, it was such a utterly satisfying feeling, almost comparable to....male / female intercourse. Or whatever they call that, there has to be more words for it I guess....I should check on Galnet for that topic someday soonish....
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