Logbook entry

Crimson Dance

09 Feb 2016Ryan Murdoc
“Where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence.” Mahatma Gandhi

As my body greeted the floor in a very uncomfortable manner, another shot assaulted my eardrums, followed by an almost simultaneous thud sound of two bodies. Then there was silence.

"Are you ok?"

"Aside of my kneecaps not liking this kind of treatment, I guess I am. What about you? And what about them?"

"We can talk later, do you know how to use a gun?"

"Good question, next question..."

My kidnapper-turned-bodyguard shook her head, stashed her own pistol and then quickly checked the two dead guys. She had taken both down with a single shot to their faces. Handing me one of their semi-automatic rifles and extra ammunition clips, there was no more time for further questions as we heard the metallic echo of running footsteps coming towards us.

Through all of this, I was calm. I should've been shocked or such, but I was just calm. Like taking a stroll through a park somewhere. Or being in the eye of a hurricane.

"Save ammunition, and don't shoot until you have a clear target. Be precise. When we kill, we take their ammunition clips, as much as we can carry. No idea how many of them are here, but we have to kill them all. Understood?"


My voice sounded alien to my own ears all of a sudden, as did my movements. I couldn't remember holding any type of weapon in my hands before, safe for a small knife with a titanium blade hidden in my left boot. But my hands inserted the ammunition, checked everything through as if I would've been doing this for years. Her eyes followed my moves and seemed content with what she saw.

"Ok, then let's do this..."

The door behind the two men we just killed was ajar, so we were able to slip through into a bright hallway leading further into the T-9. As we were half way through it, four guys dressed like the previous two and armed in the same manner rushed around the corner. The first two stopped dead in their tracks, literally speaking, as quick burst salvos entered their bodies and turned them into sieves. Of the remaining guys, only one was able to let loose a salvo, poorly aimed though. We made short work of them and advanced, carefully listening for more whilst taking along as much ammunition as possible.

"We have to reach the cockpit, maybe they weren't able to breach it yet. And since we're already fighting for our lives here, the name is Violet." she said, calmly reloading her weapon, no sign of excitement or stress in her voice.

"Alright, thanks for your trust. So, who are these guys anyway?" I asked as I was reloading like her.

"They wear the uniforms of the bodyguards of the one that hired me, but they forgot to dress properly enough for me not to notice. Mr. Johnson as I like to call my contractor was, or hopefully still is, paranoid and pedantic to no end. As to what happened with the original crew, they probably killed them and tossed the corpses out the airlock. How they got here I don't know, but I don't care about future corpses....aha, I knew it!"

"What you found?" I asked as Violet ripped one of the uniforms open, revealing a T-Shirt with a crimson Wolf head and the letters SDC aside it.

"Smiling Dog Crew, worst scum of the known Universe. Most of them were once part of The Code but got kicked out because they were too reckless and inhuman even for these Cutthroats. Should tell you enough."

"So, I guess they're bad news then, hm?"

"Let's put it that way, I'd expect their parents or relatives to pay us to dispose of them. Worthless DNA like that is good enough for target practice but not much else. Lucky for us their ability to fight is comparable to the size of their genitals. Absolutely pathetic." She chuckled.

No more running footsteps were audible. Perhaps we already took care of all of the intruders?

"How many bodyguards the guy had that hired you?"

"Around ten, so in case I didn't overlook any on my first visit here, there should only be four more left, if the SDC scum didn't bring any extra on board that is. Alright, talk's over, be silent and be more careful from here on out. It's hard to imagine but maybe the remaining dogs got suddenly intelligent and are lying in wait for us."

On we went, carefully scouting ahead, but we didn't encounter nobody at all, yet found signs of a previous battle. Blood splattered over the walls, pools of dried blood and some that seemed still fresh enough to only have been spilled a while ago. Seems we arrived here not too long after the fight was over.

"It's too quiet" I whispered. Violet nodded and we advanced on, eyes and ears ever alert.

We reached the door to the bridge, cockpit, whatever. It was forcefully opened, the immense Laser that cut through it still was sitting where the dog vermin had placed it to gain entry. The inside was a mess, we found the four remaining SDC attackers though, all dead already.

"Well, looks like my contractor knew how to sell his hide. Took all four with him, but I guess I can scratch my payday. Just my luck..." Violet exclaimed and lowered her weapon, looking through the smelly corpses for whatever measly valuables they still would possess.

Myself, I was occupied looking at the corpse of the one that sent Violet to find me. His remains sat in the Pilot's chair, just as if he'd be waiting for Station Control to allow him to take off. Several severe chest wounds in his Pilot's suit made it clear that he survived his attackers only long enough to drag himself back to his chair, dying whilst looking at the stars. And a rather big Asteroid in front of him...

"Wish you could tell me my secret...rest in peace..." I muttered and was about to turn around, as the main console came to life.

"Voice recognition positive for Test Subject 12b. Commander Coragon. Extracting file information. Opening security lock"

I read the text and then a small compartment opened out of the floor from underneath the chair, revealing a Data stick. Quickly taking it and stashing it safely in one of my pockets, a sound from outside made me look at Violet, who had heard it too and readied her rifle again, slowly advancing. She quickly checked the outside, but there was nobody. Only the humming of the ship, and a occasional sound when a damaged cable showered some sparks into the scenery. Aside of those things, nothing and nobody was heard nor seen.

That didn't mean though that I felt safe. My guts told me something was out there, and just because I couldn't see it didn't mean it wasn't there.

"I wanna check the Cargo before we leave, maybe there's something that makes up for the loss of my promised money." Violet said in a voice that allowed no speaking back. Sighing, I followed, my paranoia growing more and more.

We entered one of the Cargo rack areas, filled with astonishingly few wares. Looking around, the feeling of being watched was almost unbearable. I saw her rummaging through some crates for valuables. That's when I started to finally pipe up.

"We really shouldn't linger here longer then needed, this ship is big enough to hold some secrets I am not keen to find out about. I got another lead and I'm content with that, so let's..."

I never got to complete that sentence.

Out of thin air, I suddenly got kicked in my side, sending me flying against the wall and down, losing grip of my rifle as well. From the sound of it Violet got surprised the same way. Within less than a few seconds we both found ourselves on the floor, while something collected our weapons and tossed them way out of reach.

We looked about and couldn't see anything. And then we heard the laughter.

"Oh my gosh, it's so wonderful to see them faces every time we do this. Can't get enough of it..."

"Yeah, you're right, it's worth every moment..."

Without a sound, two women in strange looking suits materialized before our eyes. Violet got her composure back almost instantly, while my lower jaw was still having trouble fighting against gravity.

"The Cooper Twins, Sheila and Sandra. Should've known they send you to clean up here..." Violet said, voice not showing any type of negative emotion. Cool as a brick would've been a very fitting description, though I was sure she'd love to pay them back.

One of the two women took off her helmet, and smirked at Violet. "Hello there...bitch!" she yelled, aimed her gun and pulled the trigger. Violets right upper arm exploded in a gust of blood, and her deafening scream made me glare at the two. I never would consider harming a woman, ever. Those two made me wanna make a exception to that rule. Well, and Jennifer. Too many female psychopaths in my life to be good for my health to be precise.

"Sandra you..." Violet yelled, but at that moment Sandra put her boot where the wound was and applied pressure. Screaming more, Violet tossed and turned, breathing heavily under that blackened visor of hers.

"I'll get my revenge once we disposed that sac of meat over there. Our employers want him dead, but you my dear, will last way longer. In fact, I think I'll treat you to some healing, just to dislocate your joints and break every damn bone in your body...and once I've done that, I know of some very desperate guys that like doing it with a damaged woman like you...think I'll forget what you did to the both of us ? We were stuck in that damned hole almost forever after you sabotaged our FSD and made off with your own ship.. And all just because you couldn't stomach to shoot some oh so innocent Miners and their families...we were given a contract, and we fulfill it, regardless whom or what we have to kill..."

Gasping and heaving for air through the pain that was inflicted on her, Violet tried to say something again but was momentarily silenced by Sandras boot pressing heavier on her wound, resulting in more screams.

"Sandra, mind if I have my fun too now?" Sheila said after the screams ebbed away. Violet had seemingly passed out.

"Not at all, but I don't think he'll last long. I still wonder what makes that Phiagre Industry goon offer us 2 Million each for to bring him that guys head. Alright, little pig, it's time for the dance. My beloved sister will cue up her most favourite track, and start attacking you after about 40 seconds. If you last until the end of the song, we'll only break your legs and maybe, just maybe don't give you a forceful circumcision before delivering you to our employer. Oh, and Sheila, try not to completely crush his internal organs, we can make some money off of these too.."

They giggled like little schoolgirls as I slowly rose to my feet, eyes going back and forth between the two, then glancing at the motionless body of Violet, and back.

"And one more thing sucker, our stylish and sexy outfits are handmade for us by Phiagre Industry. The strongest alloy on the market, yet flexible like pretty flowers in the wind. And let's not forget that nifty stealth mode! Enjoy the beating, you'll never experienced anything like it before, I promise you!" Sheila added, smirking.

I gulped. Great way to have your lights blown out. No gun, Violet was out cold, and all I had left was that knife in my boot that wouldn't put so much of a dent or scratch in their high-tech armors. Plus Sheila had that visor down so going for the eyes was no option either.

The music started, and we kept our distance. I held my fists up, looking like some old time boxer. Sandra laughed out loud and cheered her sister on as we passed the 10 second mark...then 20...then 30...at 40 seconds Sheila darted forward with a move so fluent that I could barely dodge, the speed of movement dragging her onward and the fist making contact with the wall, leaving a visible dent in it.

She turned around and was gone from sight, having activated her stealth mode. Invisible, she swept me off my feet and I fell hard, got up again, only to be kicked off my feet once more. The places she hit me exploded with pain. Her next kick was into my stomach and I went to my knees, having the urge to vomit into my helmet from all the pain.

"I told you he's too weak, c'mon, finish him off so we can move out of this tin can. I want to spend time with our lovely Violet..." Sandra yelled over the music.

"Ok Sis, I'll be done momentarily" Sheila said and became visible again, dragging me up from the floor with only one hand. She grinned, preparing to ram her other fist through my visor and probably my head as well.

Goodbye, Nova and Violet... were my last thoughts.


Just as Sheila's fist was flying towards my face, I tilted my head to the side, grabbed her by the suit and fell backwards, dragging her along with me. Being completely surprised by the move she lost her balance and moments later felt my boots on her lower abdomen. As I rolled backwards, I let go of her and used my legs like a catapult to propel her as high as possible, sending her flying over my head a few meters until she landed rather uncomfortably.

"Defense mode: activated. Execute: Capoeira"

I was taken over again, but not as before. My body moved on it's on accord, but this time the feeling was different. It didn't feel as if I was manipulated like a puppet on strings, though, it still felt weird. As if there had been a veil that was lifted, I suddenly knew. The moves, the attacks, the defense, everything. Like flipping a switch, but this time, I truly didn't mind. I gave into that knowledge and feeling, the way it pumped through my body, telling the muscles what to do, my breathing and so forth.

"Well, well, well, looks like there's some fight left in that loser after all. Alright my precious, the music is set to loop. Now we'll dance!" Sheila yelled and started to sprint at me, going invisible once more.

"Sensory Enhancement No.4: activated. Execute: Cow"

Wait, what??

My eyes closed, and both my ability to smell and my hearing improved in a way that left me without words to describe it. I was able smell so many different odors all of a sudden and hear high and low frequency sounds that I feared to lose my mind out of the sheer amount of input assaulting my senses. But my brain filtered the scents and sounds, dampening the loudness of the music, and without using my eyesight I smelled and heard where Sheila was. Combining these newly obtained skills together with the strange dance moves, I completely gave into these new sensations rushing through my body..

My attacks landed, sweeping Sheila off her feet, kicking her, evading her own fluent moves. I had almost forgotten the threat both Violet and me were in, so overwhelming was everything for me. After another minute I could smell her anger mixed with the pain from her wound, while Sandra exuded a aura of confusion. Good, she was conscious again, but still lying down, unmoving. Probably waiting for the right time to strike at Sandra, but with that amount of Blood loss she wouldn't last for too much longer.

Which meant I had to bring the fight with Sheila to a definitive end. Now.

Giving into the movements again, I swirled about and was able to land a devastating Meia Lua De Compasso Dupla on Sheila's head, sending her flying sideways and not moving anymore. Her helmet probably took most of the power away, but it was still enough to give her a hefty concussion and knock her out cold, also cancelling her invisibility in the process. Must have crushed some internal chip or such...

The music stopped. Eerie silence fell upon the scenery.

"Defense mode: deactivated: Sensory Enhancement No.4: deactivated"

"Great timing buddy. We still have one psychotic woman standing, and she's got a gun too!" I yelled inside my head at, well, myself. I got no reply. Did I expect one? Not really, but I had to try.

"Alright, that's it you jerk, time for you to kiss your sorry ass goodbye! Go to hell!" Sandra screamed as she finally stopped staring in disbelief at the body of her sister.

In her rage she totally forgot about Violet, who had gotten up behind her unnoticed.

"You first, bitch..." I heard her yell. And then she pulled the trigger of her pistol, replacing Sandra's priceless expression with not much else then a big hole. Her lifeless body slammed on the ground. It was over.

Watching Violet, she moved over to the motionless body of Sheila and unloaded the rest of her magazine. Then, after at least another minute, she turned to me.

"I think we're done here, and I could use some medical attention. Let's go..." she said, still acting strong. Shrugging, I quickly searched the bodies of Sandra and Sheila for any type of evidence of who had set them on my tracks to kill me. I found nothing of interest. Taking a deep breath I hurried after Violet.

We made our way back to the Umbra Vorago, moving away from the T-9. Aside of it we found a Vulture, the ship of the twins. After scanning it with my KWS and blowing it to kingdom come I was credited with roughly over 120k.

I tended to Violets wound as good as I could, but though I seemed to be able to dance frenzied jigs out of the blue, my brain was sadly unable to help me perform the most mundane medical treatments. At least I managed to stop the bleeding enough until we would reach Greeboski's Outpost.

As we finally came into range and I let the Docking computer take over, Violet took off her helmet for the first time.

I took mine off as well, and we looked at each other until the landing was complete. Not having said one word. Just looking.

"Thanks for saving...us, Coragon. Sorry for getting you in this mess in the first place...sneaking on your ship and all that. But a girl needs to make some money you know..." she said, smirking.

"Yeah, about that...since you didn't get paid yet, I was wondering if you'd accept something from me..."

"And what amount of credits you'd think be adequate...Commander?"

"I was thinking in the lines of 5 Million Credits, at least?"

"That'll be double of what I would've gotten, so I'd naturally say yes. Yet, I am curious. Are you wanting to pay me or hire me for...certain services?" she asked, her expression being stern, but the voice giving away her playful attitude.

"I think you already stated that if I had such ambitions you would be willing to show me, but then would have to kill me..." I added with a smirk myself.

Standing up, she came close, and kissed me on my cheek.

"Who knows, maybe I can let you live after all...perhaps when I am patched up again. See you around...Coragon..." she whispered, winked at me, and made her way out. I stared after her, lost in thought.

"I need a shower...some sleep...and then, answers...and a less stressful lifestyle, too..." I said to myself, feeling the Data stick in my pocket.

To be continued...
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