Logbook entry


15 Feb 2016Ryan Murdoc
"Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack." Sun Tzu

I decided to reside within Greeboski's Outpost for a while, taking several days to get updated on our goals and operations. Although the program I used to gather, encrypt and send the latest Influence informations and possible other crucial data to Operations Officer Reykur was working nicely without me, it felt good to exchange some personal words again. Purely text-only though, since the communications were hampered due to his ship systems malfunctioning, which led to a complete breakdown in the end. He sure needed to get that thing fixed.

He was able to tell me though that my recent absence and the two days where I was out cold in that hospital in Qa'Wakana and thus unreachable for anyone, were grounds for some in the Squadron to worry about me. Or to say it more directly, my motives and loyalty were questioned, especially after my "death" and the changes that happened due to it.

I was requesting a personal meeting with Wing Commander Veyder but got told he was gone for a unknown amount of time and I would've to wait for his eventual return. The only reason I could come up with was that something demanded his personal attention without delay, otherwise it wouldn't have made sense he'd move away from Phiagre when we're so close to trigger Civil War with Phiagre Industry. Well, I guess it would've to wait.

In the meantime I had repairs done to the Umbra Vorago. I removed some of the extra Fuel Tanks and replaced them with Hull Reinforcement Packages, as well as installing Shield Cell Banks. Making sure I'd have every possible advantage to myself when diving into the Combat Zones that would eventually appear all over Phiagre once the time had come.

I felt quite secure on Greeboski's, though one had to wonder if they felt the same about me. Wouldn't blame them regarding all the things that happened around and to me lately. So many questions going swirling in my head.

Who'd want me alive with whatever was stored up there, and how did they manage it in the first place? For how long until they'd decide to want their investment back? How was it possible that at one time, I was being steered around like some drone with a remote control, and another time I suddenly had access not only to formerly unknown knowledge but also that my body remembered how to do it correctly? Was that a flaw in the programming, assuming I could use that term? And last but not least the Phiagre Industry person who wanted to have my head, and only my head. Was he or she the one who had this done to me in the first place, or somekind of rival of the persons who did it?

I sighed, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Well, I still had the Data stick, but for that thing to be checked thoroughly I'd want nobody else then CMDR Reykur to do it. Not to mention that there be possible intrusion countermeasures on it, and the last thing I'd want is to have everything deleted or somekind of virus installed in my or the Ghost Squadrons systems.

If all things failed however, there was still the option to find the person within Phiagre Industry (PI) who set the Cooper twins on my trail. After the inevitable victory of the SJC, we'd have all the spoils of war at our disposal. And if PI wanted to be shown some mercy, they'd be more then eager to supply the needed informations.

I headed back to my ship, and as I put up all the security measures I couldn't help but smirk, almost expecting Violet to turn up behind me. But my smirk vanished and was replaced by a expression of concern. So much happened and all the time I had not once thought about Nova Cassidy, except when I was sure I'd die. Was she still alive? Did Jennifer kill her? I had to try to contact her and make sure everything was alright.

Looking through Galnet and Logbook entries, my smile returned as I've read about Jennifer's demise at the skilled hands of Nova, as well as her owning a shiny new Python. For some odd reason, I felt real proud to know her. Though she probably wouldn't want to know me no more after all that went down. I left her a PM, telling her that all is somewhat alright with me and if she'd like to, let me know one way or the other if we could meet again under better circumstances.

As I went to catch a good dose of sleep, I received a message sent by CMDR Reykur who himself had gotten it from Wing Commander Veyder. Not through a secure channel, but for everyone to read.

CMDR Veyder,

Phiagre Industries has been charged with corruption and mismanagement of the Sopheos Starport. Calls by the citizens of Sopheos for Phiagre Industries to rectify their practices have have fallen on deaf ears for months.

As of 02:13hrs, our ministry of communications intercepted transmissions which have implicated that Phiagre Industry is actively attempting to undermine the Sovereign Justice Collective by funding criminal operations to destabilized the region, the lastest of which involved a joint venture with the Dulos Hand Gang. Not surprisingly Phiagre Industry has links to the newest system faction Jera Holdings.

I see no other course of action to deal with this betrayal than to declare war. After we crush these criminals we will invade Jera and bring their system under our control for their treacherous role. I want a swift and decisive victory.  Prepare your squadron...

Zahra Arias
Chancellor, SJC

Time to sleep and dream. Of both wonderful yet deadly women and victory over Phiagre Industry. If for nothing else then to get the chance for some answers.
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