Logbook entry

[03DEC3302 2127Z] Freeport, LP 98-132

03 Dec 2016Beraug Roschke
Right. Gonna start keeping this log up to date when anything significant happens. Bought an audio log recorder so I can put details in where the ship doesn't.

Been doing a lot of data delivery runs between local systems. Trying to make LHS 3262 my base system for getting missions. High-Tech place, they got a lot of stuff I ain't seen before, and the merch they trade ain't bad at all. Got enough credits to get rid of this thing the Pilots Federation loaned me. Betting they don't care what happens to it anyway. They give amateurs a ship, send them out to be fodder, don't care about whether they're scammed or blasted. The price of a ship like this probably ain't as much as the credits they get from exploiting the dumb pilots they sign the contract with.

I signed a contract too, but I ain't a fool. I got out of Kungo fast as I could. Been running data cause it's easy. Money ain't the best, but that don't matter yet. I ain't the best pilot, and this ain't the best ship, so now ain't the best time to go shooting up cargo transports and looting the goods. Not that that's what I'm going to be doing. At least not all the time. Got a few special missions though, from this group I managed to get work from. Landing on planets and salvaging munitions from military depots. Landmines and the like. Not legal, but I ain't been caught, and at the very least I'm a good enough pilot that I ain't had my supercruise interrupted by any spacejock that has tried. And it's happened a lot.

Got a message from the Nang Ta-khian Jet Pirates I've been working for. They're saying they're cordial with me. That's good. Hopefully means a few more credits. They're aren't bad though. They offer discreet work that hasn't gotten me shot yet, and they pay on time every time. Even gave me a bonus for running some critical data to them faster than they were thinking I could.

Docked at Freeport now, after one of those transfers. LP 98-132, is the system name. Its got a lot of moons. Most of them I could probably land on, but there is nothing worth looking for. The planets I've landed on have all been brown rocks so far. Maybe a city if I'm lucky. Just mining though, nothing fancy. Thinking I need to land planet-side some day, explore an actual world worth visiting. Head a lot of about planets that are green and blue with forests and oceans. Sounds like the kind of place I'd want to explore. Already been watching some vid-media on them, learning what they're like. Hunting on them might be worth trying. Getting this new ship, I'm thinking I'm gonna take some bounty hunting contracts, or start searching for targets worth killing. Might make a profit out of it. Might try taking one before I get the ship though. Looks like it's a good few jumps to get back to LHS 3262, so I'll be stopping along the way as it is. Gonna get out of this seat and rest for a bit. Need to get more food too. Running low on myostim, will want to buy more of that soon.
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