Logbook entry

[07DEC3302 1224Z] Lacaille Prospect, LHS 3262

07 Dec 2016Beraug Roschke
Things getting more intense now. Gone ship to ship with lots of bounty targets. With the new scanners, any ship that enters the system, I watch, and if it's got Wanted on its data tag, I close in. Must have killed thirty pilots in the past two days. I try to think of what it means to me, personally. But all I got in my mind is the number of credits transferred to my account. So far I've been doing this alone, hunting men and women. Maybe they deserve what they get, maybe they don't. I just collect the bounty from their destroyed ship and move on.

Got a good amount of credits now. Thinking I'm just going to save it for now. Got a good ship, got good weapons, got some military-grade plating on the chassis, haven't ever had my ship damaged beyond repair since, and only two of the pilots I fought were able to take my shields down. One had a big cannon that blasted my shields with a single salvo, but once I got behind him he couldn't turn quick enough to keep me in his sights. The other just got lucky I guess.

Think I've got a bounty on my head by the Empire. One of their ships had a Wanted tag, so I took them on. Soon after that some assault ship tried to pull me out of supercruise. Looked like it would be a hard fight, but I haven't ever been pulled from supercruise yet. I'm always able to avoid their interdiction. Me, on the other hand, I've never lost sight of a target, once I'm on them.

Big thing for me to start thinking of though. At first my reputation was starting to build here in LHS 3262, but apparently some of these Wanted pilots actually work for the legit corporations here. I've, inconvenienced, just about every major faction in some way, but mostly just the mob, or small time gangs. I'll think about holding my trigger finger next time I see a ship running missions for a cooperation that's been paying me.
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