Logbook entry


17 May 2017Beraug Roschke
Activate logbook, new entry, and now what. I cannot even put into words all that has happened to me over the past hundred cycles. The ship is still functional, kept in working order by maintenance crews hired on my behalf. I guess I'm working through this backwards. My employer made sure my equipment was never out of service. I was paid, provided lodging, given other opportunities.

It is difficult trying to talk about this out loud. Even to myself. Even on my own ship. For all I know, there's some kind of audio recording device here that I don't know about, but I don't think there is. But after five months of doing the work I've done, I don't know what to think about the galaxy anymore.

I'll just say the basic facts, keeping the secrecy in place. I was hired by a group who traveled to Lacaille Prospect looking for someone like me. They wanted a bounty hunter, but not one too well known. Even more specifically, they wanted me. They tried to buy me first, without telling me everything they wanted. That was no good. I threatened them, they tried to threaten me, in the end I pulled my blaster on them and told them whatever they wanted, if I wasn't interested, I wasn't interested. They told me before security showed up, and after paying a small fine for public endangerment I met the group in the bar, and we got down to business.

I'm going to talk about the mission, without mentioning names. It shouldn't be specific enough to trace. These guys wanted me because they heard about my reputation. Not my Pilot reputation, I'm still unknown there. But they heard about me. They heard about my size, my attire, affinity for cold, survival abilities, that kind of thing. They came to me because they wanted me to carry out a mission on the ground. An ice world. A planet that was covered in snow, and had a small base on it they needed someone to infiltrate. My ship didn't have the right equipment, so they flew me in on a specialized ship with some kind of sensor evasion gear. They dropped me on foot, and I made my way to the base. Once there I stole an SRV equipped with some basic weaponry, and blew up a few specific targets. When base security came after me, I blasted them. It was the first time I've ever used my blaster on a target that wasn't out of self-defense. It was a strange, but good feeling.

Eventually the ship that dropped me off came back, and did what they needed to do, picking me up in the process. We didn't return to Lacaille Prospect. They had other jobs they wanted me to help with, now that they saw what I was capable of. I took them up on what they wanted. More stuff happened. Secretive. But now that's done with, and I'm back on Lacaille Prospect, back on board my ship. I've changed the ship's name to the "Wartooth". It's fierce. Somewhat inspired by something that happened on one of my ground missions.

First thing I did was a warm-up. Once all system checks were done, and I knew the ship was in working order, I took off and went after another so-called Pirate Lord. They were in a Vulture--tough ship. Durable. Well armed. But can't maneuver worth a damn, it seems like. Ten seconds into the fight after tracking them down, I swung around behind them, and never lost track. Their turret was the only thing able to shoot at me from certain angles, and it never hit me as far as I could tell. The Pilot was supposed to be Competent, as well. Must have caught them at a bad time.

I've recorded audio-visual helmet camera data as a record. Figure it's a good idea to start learning attack patterns, and re-watching these things to see and hear what kind of maneuvers I used. Figure there's always something I can improve on, by doing this.
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︎1 Shiny!
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