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[02JUN3302 1758Z] Brooks Terminal, Turir

02 Jun 2017Beraug Roschke
For the past few days I have been bounty hunting. Nothing new, except the system I'm in. Turns out the group who hired me a few cycles ago were allied with the Empire. They had me attacking bases that weren't allied with the Empire. Makes sense to me.

It did however end up putting a bounty on my head. Felt strange being on the other end of the hunt. To be the prey instead of the predator. Managed to get away from LHS 3262 without getting caught by any security. About a hundred twenty light years travel time,  I arrived in a system called Smethells 97. Empire allegiance. The station was too far out from the system entry point, so I chose to go to a place called Brooks Terminal in the Turir system instead. There's a lot of action here. Gangs and pirates are common. Found a bounty that took me to a resource extraction site near one of the planets, and discovered my new hunting ground. I don't know how near to any criminal hub this place is, but I'm feeling like Brooks Terminal is gonna go bankrupt if I stay in this system for more than a week, clearing out these criminals. The federal security force here has gotten used to me flying in their formations while they scout sites. Strange feeling, wondering if I could almost be one of them. I've already done bodyguard work. Federal security just sounds like being a bodyguard for an entire system.

Whatever it's called, it's work, and getting me lots of credits. That's what I like. Going to have to explore the station on foot, see what kinds of other things credits like this can buy here.
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