Logbook entry


31 Jul 2017Imultitalented
I have made it to Doc Ashby City in the star system Luyten's Star. After docking I found Council Leader Aide Virgilio Newton.  Apparently I'm the commander of a system faction called the Red Squadron. It seems that in "human space" systems are fought over by these superpowers and stations are fought over by factions aligned with the superpowers.  There are at least two superpowers that are in control of human space in this galaxy. The Empire and the Federation. Also some independents. Surprisingly I have not seen or heard of any alien races. Well, other than one that not many people have even seen. No one has seen what these aliens look like. According to Aide, these Alien ships are in the shape of some sort of star and can easily disrupt all controls on ships when nearby. I am going to take a guess and say this is what happened with the Enterprise. The disruption must have also did something to the wormhole at DS9, I'm currently allied with the Federation. This is good because they have control of Sol and Earth. I found a picture on my dashboard, women. Very beautiful. The back says, "To my love, I will miss you, Laura". It looks like I may have a wife or girlfriend here also.  I am growing suspicious that this Federation is nothing like the Starfleet Federation. But we will see. It looks like I will be here awhile, possibly forever. In this Galaxy there is no wormhole that anyone has found. So until then I am stuck here.

Since I am the Wing Commander of Red Squadron, I have recruited some good pilots. We went on some training missions today. Went very well they are eager to learn and willing to follow commands. I will have to get used to being here..and since I am I  will make the best of it.
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︎1 Shiny!
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