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Why You Don't Mess With The Empire! (or "Imperial Fighters are Scary")

29 Nov 2016Harold Sackoski
Had a "unique" combat experience recently that should serve as a cautionary tale for any pilots out there thinking of messing with my beloved Empire:

So, I'd been doing some mercenary work for the Empire in LTT 1349.  It seems that the local eco-freak party was making a bid for power and somehow got a full-on Fed Fleet to back their play.  By the time I arrived, it was all out war.  There were battles breaking out all over the system.  And, in exchange for a fat paycheck, I'd been making sure that the Imperial Fleet was dominating each and every one.  
But then, upon returning to the fight after a quick run to reload my guns, I suffered a serious malfunction to my transponder which somehow left my vessel tagged as a damn Fed!  (Yes, it may have been operator error, and no, I don't appreciate you bringing it up!)  So, anyway, the Imperial Fleet saw fit to dispatch a lone Imperial Gu-97 Fighter toward me.  
Of course I tried to explain the situation to him, but you know how fighter pilots are; he wanted to paint a big fat Ferdy silhouette on his ship and nothing I could say was going to change his mind.  
So I said, Fine, MotherF'er, lets dance!

Five minutes later, I was limping through the mailslot at Lundwall Station with only 20% of my hull still intact and half my systems melted to slag!  
And, that fighter?  I never managed to land even a single shot!  Literally, not one!!!  
And its not like I was running a half-arsed rig, either!  I was rolling with my full-on Class A rated Ferdy with a full spread of Engineered, Gimbaled Multi-Cannons!  With 900MJ of shield strength and a Hull Integrity rating of over 1000!  And he turned it into Swiss cheese without even breaking a sweat!
And sure, this fellow was Elite but I'm a Dangerous man, myself!  You'd think I'd at least be able to hold my own, but no!

So next time your thinking about picking a fight with the Empire, just remember, your (or at least my) 80 million credit warship ain't got nothin' on the Gu-97!  And that's the weakest ship in their fleet!
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︎1 Shiny!
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