Logbook entry

Log #1 - Bugs

08 Nov 2017Priscilla Duval
So recently I started doing some more PowerPlay-stuff, destroying some random pirates and bureaucrats on my way to other systems and things like that while gaining bounties to help a fresh new player in my friend list to claim that bounty from me afterward. But that day, I had some seriously wrong bugs I never seen before.

An AI was pretty good despite what they were flying; ranked Expert, hauling a Type-6 Transporter.  He was a little bit harder than the others I faced so far that day. Although my ship is (or was by the time you read this) just a Vulture with most part unmodified, so the damages are not breathtaking at all. I managed to damage it to a critical point where things should eventually come to an end. I am sure if you have been dragged into a lot of combats, you happened to see your enemy getting their shield back online while their ship reaches 0% health or hull, because that is exactly what happened. But before that happen, this one started up their frame shift drive to escape, so I was chasing after the ship, shooting the thrusters at some point because the pirate was flying away in a straight line and the power plant was out of reach - and honestly that time, targeting the power plant did not come to mind. So, the frame shift drive is charging while I keep shooting everything I got and start taking heat damages because they are so close to explode and they are about to jump away from me. But finally, the ship reaches 0% then their shield come back online right at that moment, but I was not worried. To my understanding, when a ship reach 0%, it is done, all over, they are gone and you win. But this one was still going. So, during a brief moment, I stopped firing, feeling satisfied for destroying that ship, but then I realize there's no explosion. So after maybe 5 seconds, I realized they are actually still alive! So I started panicking and chased after them to take down what is left of their shield. But then, what is happening right now... They are gaining speed and I can barely hit them with my lasers until a point where they are literally out of range. I could still see them but they were so far away, I could not catch up to them at all so after 2 minutes, I gave up and went off.

A bit later, a pirate was trying to take me on and this time it was a Cobra. Surprisingly enough, this pirate did not come alone. Someone else jumped with them a few seconds later, it was another Cobra. I do not remember which version they had but they were quite annoying. I could not risk getting my shield down while I was shooting at the first one. Sadly the maneuverability of their ship was better than mine since I have stock thrusters (I blame the power plant - I am working on modifications soon.). I do not like to disable flight assist all the time because sometimes it messes up the way my thrusters work after doing a drift in space. I usually double-boost to bring that up, but since Cobra (2) was shooting my butt, I needed some more shield and more time too, so I decided to aim for the power plant to destroy Cobra (1), or at least disable them. They quickly had their power plant down to 0% and they were not moving. So I went after Cobra (2) right away. But then I realized that Cobra (1) was the move again and started shooting me. Normally, when you destroy the power plant, the ship is supposed to explode most of the time, or at least it should be disabled. But this one was back and ready to annoy me some more. I do not know if the maintenance modules can fix the power plant or if the AI is actually using these. But if they do not, then that was very weird to see that disabled Cobra on the move again. The power plant was still at 0% however and shooting it some more was totally useless, but at the end I destroyed them both quite easily but I was puzzled by what happened.
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