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Biography of Seraphina Phrax

25 Jan 2017Seraphina Phrax
Chapterhouse Personnel Report
Submitted by:
 Dr. Astro Elefun

Name:  Seraphina Phrax
Chapterhouse Rank:  Inquisitor
Sex:  F
Birthdate:  04-30-3278
Augmentations:  Full cybernetic conversion.

Subject General Notes and Personality:

       Seraphina (or Sera as the others affectionately call her) is still young at the age of twenty-four, as seen by her sometimes mischievous behaviour. However, this could be a type of coping mechanism to help her deal with the horrors that happen out in the black.

       Despite her silliness, Seraphina shows great control under pressure. Her ability to effectively operate in otherwise critically dangerous situations is worth merit. All of her comrades complimented her piloting skills and her exemplary situational analysis skills. She has even received praise from fellow Inquisitors Jubei, Edgar, and Noxa, as well as reluctant praise from Inquisitor Endincite and Field Operations Officer Gideon (and let’s just be honest, those two are never happy with anything).

       While not out in the field, Seraphina expresses a rather warm, happy, and bubbly attitude. She is generally the peacemaker of the Chapterhouse, often calming her comrades when they have arguments. As one of the few female Inquisitors, Seraphina has taken a liking to Jubei’s ‘assistant’ (in truth, Imperial Slave) Veronica and the two often can be seen out and about in Shajn Market. She has a very odd friendship with Inquisitor Orkekum, whom she refers to as ‘Snek’.

       In my time interviewing her, I have found her to be a rather intelligent and kind young lady, who has a mostly positive outlook on life. Tim (re: Dr. Timothy Light, the robotics engineer that designed the functionality of her cybernetic body) was right about her and I’m glad he recommended her to our group.

Subject Personal Background:

       Seraphina Phrax was born into the great merchant family of Victor Phrax. Imperial, influential, and heavily involved in imperial politics and projects, the Phrax family was a prime target for Federals and Independents who wanted to remove their influence from areas important to them. Of course, this also meant that secret factions inside empire, who were not in agreement with the direction the empire was taking, also targeted the family. This led Sera’s father to take precautions that kept the family safe and generally off the radar, usually by having them take secretive trips into parts unknown while he got close to the public spotlight.

       When Sera was around ten years old, the whole family left for the fringes of the known space under the guise of a vacation, when in actuality it was a trip to inspect an uncovered alien artifact. The artifact was located on an Earth-like planet not too far from the inhabited space, roughly forty light years away from the bubble.

       Naturally, the young Sera wanted to explore the area around her family’s landing site and became lost in a maze-like cave system. After wandering for an hour in what seemed to be a natural cave, little Seraphina happened upon some rooms that were alien in their architecture. She was frightened by the discovery but was later was relieved to find the family’s equipment illuminating some of the walls. Sera continued to walk through the rooms to see what the team had been working on when she suddenly fell through a crumbling floor and into a hidden chamber below.

       Unfortunately, the fall resulted in Seraphina cutting herself on an unknown object. The results of which was an infection that put her life in serious danger. So great was the danger that even the most experienced doctors in Imperial space had no idea how to fight it. Sera’s parents were left with no other choice to save their little girl, they called on the help of famed cybernetics experts Dr. Albert Cain and Dr. Timothy Light to begin the process of converting Seraphina into a cyborg. Victor and his wife, Serena, would lose their daughter’s body, but they refused to lose their precious daughter completely.

       Thus, Dr. Cain and Dr. Light went to work on the mechanics of the new body while Dr. Light’s wife, Dr. Megumi Light, worked on the ‘organic’ anatomy. The ‘organics’ were fake of course, but made to look, feel, and seem real, warmth and all. Dr. Megumi did this so that Sera would have as normal of a life as possible while growing up. There were limits placed on her cybernetics so that she would not stand out with any abnormal abilities.

       As she grew, two more bodies were made so that she could look as if she was naturally growing: a teen body and an adult body. Dr. Megumi made sure that Sera was fully consulted before the finalized version of her adult body was produced in order to make sure that she was happy with it.

       Unfortunately, Seraphina’s parents became overprotective of her after the conversion. They were always watching her every move and making sure that their daughter was protected. This inevitably led to conflict between Sera and her parents, which could be seen in private and public areas.

       The conflict in her family eventually drove Sera to leave the safety of her parents and join the Pilot’s Federation. She found life very different and hard outside the known comfort of the Empire. As a result, Sera had a very difficult first semester adjusting to the harshness of some of her fellow students.

       However, Sera’s determination to prove to her parents that she wasn’t a helpless little girl overcame her desire to go back to her comfortable home. During the second semester, she overcame her naysayers and started to truly excel at the various courses she committed to. Eventually Sera graduated from the Pilot’s Federation with many friends cheering her name as she accepted top honours for her flight command course. The biggest surprise was when Sera stepped off the stage to find her father standing there swelling with pride and tears in his eyes. The two embraced for the first time in three years, each asking for forgiveness from each other. Afterward, Sera flew out in her Sidewinder to find her calling, while her father flew home in his Orca and made a call to a friend.

       After many successful missions in the bubble, Sera received a transmission from Imperial space from one  Edgar Starwalker. She agreed to speak to Edgar and the two met at a nice restaurant in Shajn Market. Edgar requested Sera’s services as a fighter pilot to help the Empire’s relationship with its allies by stopping corrupt governments covertly for said allies. The offer included that she may remain independent if she chose to do so. Sera agreed, and thus she worked with members of the Chapterhouse of Inquisition as an independant contractor in various successful SCRAP operations.

       Thanks to her dedication and success, the leadership of the Chapterhouse formally invited her into their hallowed ranks with one condition: she must claim her birthright as an Imperial and pledge to uphold the Emperor’s vision of an Empire free of corruption. She graciously accepted and became a valued member of The Chapterhouse of Inquisition.

       Sera has found a family of sorts in the Chapterhouse. From playfully annoying Endincite, to happily teasing Orkekum, to shopping with Jubei’s apprentice Veronica, she has become a cornerstone in the day-to-day lives of her fellow Inquisitors.
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