Logbook entry

Don't Leave Me...

25 Sep 2015Chatham
Last night was rough.

I've decided to make Phiagre my home so I took a break from exploring to go fetch my Cobra Trader from Diso. I rented a stock Cobra and threw a scoop on it. 120 something light years. 19 jumps. Simple... right?


I was under pressure to get to Diso and catch some sleep so I was speed jumping. Two systems out from Diso I see a ship heading my direction. I'm in no mood to deal with a pirate, especially with a stock machine under my ass so mid-scoop I punch my frame shift.

That's when I see the greeting "Hi" followed by "Wait... Don't leave me..." I was unable to cancel my jump in time to see what was wrong or if this commander needed help. In a blink I was gone.

This was one jump in a long series and I had no idea which system I had been in so I couldn't go back. I hoped that the commander would be okay and kept moving towards Diso.

It was in the Diso system that it all went wrong. 50 ls out I was interdicted. This was one of those pirates that seems mindless. He said something about my being fodder for his deranged marmoset horde and I boosted away and went back into supercruise. 34 ls out it was the same exercise with a different stupid pirate. This time I was supposed to do unspeakable things with someone called Jabba.

25 ls out I was interdicted a THIRD fracking time. But this one was different. This one was thoughtful. Deliberate. Silent.

This commander simply sliced me up without a word. I never could get visual. Boosting, jinking and spinning achieved nothing. He targeted my power plant and took it down to zero. Left me spinning and unable to recover when I was within visual distance of Shifnalport. Then... he jumped out. No killing blow. No mocking laughter. Just... gone. He left me to be forced to self-destruct.

As I watched the countdown I could only keep thinking of that plea and it has been haunting me since.

"Don't Leave me..."
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