Logbook entry

Hello Ms. Farseer

04 Apr 2018Chatham
I was getting closer to Deciat when I realized that more and more systems I hit were already discovered. That's when I got nervous. Every time my scanner indicated a new contact I twitched, looking at the readouts to see if I was looking at some crazed griefer getting ready to remove me from the system via laser fire. Being an explorer I'm unarmed and have only minimal shields. I have my techniques for avoiding combat but at this stage in the trip the stakes are way too high for comfort. One mistake and not only am I paying the rebuy cost for Fujin's Envoy, I'm also losing two years of exploration data.

I was tense enough that I felt like I'd consumed a gallon of espresso in less than five minutes and the high was at full throttle.

Arriving at Farseer Inc in Deciat I was struck by the realization that I forgot how to land. Suddenly, all my motor memory gave out and I had to consciously remind myself about when to push a button or when to pull back the throttle. I'm sure that any outside observers would have wondered what this mayno pilot was smoking.

The engineer Felicity was pleasant but a little batty. She talked of exploring together and I'm sure she was being figurative but I still found myself uneasy. I'm wondering now if coming back to humanity's circle was fitting for me after all. Oh well, maybe I'll learn to relax as I hear more people talking who don't sound like me, A.S.T.R.A or Fujin's Envoy.

Finding out that I can't sell my data at Farseer Inc. until I bring a meta-alloy tribute was frustrating. I'm ready to offload this data and move on to another adventure. Oh well, I'm going to go alloy hunting. After a good drink or eight and a night in a planet based bed. Maybe with a planet based companion.
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