Dumbbell Nebula
03 Jan 2017M. Kozak
Quite an interesting place.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumbbell_Nebula
A water world with an orbiting tourist beacon : "Waterside view"
Originally added by commander 5Paxxor.
The sky here is breath taking. The view from inside a planetary nebula is hard to beat. Imagine being born under such a night sky.
The voyage was quiet. I scanned a few water worlds and picked up a large data cache - worth maybe 100.000 credits.
Ship is holding fine too. Still miss a larger fuelscoop as it can take too long and get too hot with the current one. I had to fire off a heatsink to protect the ship from heat damage.
Now I will turn the nose towards home. Roughly 1200 ly lies ahead, with a halfway stop to take a look at a neutron star located in HIP 96115 at about 655 ly away. Hopefully its not too far from the entry point and can give me a good FSD overcharged boost homewards.
Wish me luck.