Logbook entry

What Return

14 Jun 2017Zero_Pascal
So there was a broadcast about the retrieval of Prof. Palin's newest and hottest research materials - on the 'Unknown Ships/Signals'.

"We are the Federation, and we-own-you-thus-owning-your precious hard-work earned alienic material and research of such material..." You bunch never learn - go screw yourselves. What? The Thargoids have done it for us? Appreciate it clickity clickity click. (Is this racist? i hope its not racist)

It's been a while since we were carried by currents into this turmoil where we are dreaded but excited to be 'Hyperdicted' by the flowers, to meet them in close proximity but not to anger or get reduced to particles (or acidic husks from the looks of it).

Is it so difficult to admit or introduce the hazard and risks of the aliens re-surfacing to the public? "Try not to cause a panic" and all but there has been wars going on a daily basis that we now have a list of wars going on everyday on the news - in a subsection. Not to mention the SuperPower politic conflict and the PowerPlay factions' notorious fights. What's an alien fleet with impenetrable bodies and mysterious life-reducing weapons going to add? Numbers to death counts? No biggie.

Perhaps they are the cordyceps to humankind - culling the exponential growth of this alien race. Ever thought of that?

If anything the Feds probably have provoked the flowers the most and we are just reaping what they sow right now, "mother nature's a bitch" and all but this is relatively more nasty.
Finally slapping you on the face senseless with . T H A R G O I D . R E T U R N ., hope its not a sloppy one like your justified robbery.

And give the man his Hutton-Trucker Mug already.
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︎2 Shiny!
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