Logbook entry

A new expidition

30 Jun 2017GremlinSpotter
I've never logged an entry before and thought now would be as good a time as any to start.  I have done a lot of things since I first sat in the seat of my first Sidewinder and learned a lot about myself and the universe.  When I started out I wasn't sure where I would fit in as a pilot and tried a lot of different roles to see which I liked the best.  One thing I knew when I started was that I wanted to make a lot of credits so I could get into better ships and do more roles.  I have learned over the past few years that there is more to life than credits.  The universe is vast and contains a lot of mysteries to be solved.  I've tried courier, bounty hunter, trader, pirating and exploration.  I found that while making credits can be fun the call or what is in the unknown is like that of a siren's call and I can not ignore it.  

Along the way I have made some great friends and this proved to be fortunate because I applied for and was accpted into the EXO Colalition.  One of the best decisions I have ever made.  I expressed my interest in exploration and was allowed to join the Deep Exploration and Reconesance Patrol (DERP).  Since then I have been sent out to seek new discoveries and participated in the hunt for aliens.  This group of explorers are some of the most dedicated explorers I have met.  Have you heard of the Hurt Highway?  Yeah, that was EXO exploration pilots.  

I find myself looking for new challenges and I have decided to challenge myself to a grueling expedition.  I plan to start off with  my first pit stop in Colonia, then head to the edge of the galaxy where I will meet with friends for a small social event (location is secret), then head to Beagle's Point, from there make a trip to Sag A and then finally back home.  I intend to document my trip in logs because I know I will get side tracked with different nebulas and I want to record everything I see.
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