Cmdr Hangfireflip
Explorer / Mechanic
Registered ship name
Planet Express
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Type-9 Heavy HGFR14
Overall assets
Elite Dangerous Au & NZ

Logbook entry

That darn Cat!

26 Dec 2021Hangfireflip
Just as I was about to cross out of the Inner Orion Spur region, GALNET posted the first of a series of bizarre articles.

For a minute, I thought that the editors at GALNET had been smoking to much wacky tobacky and had let a beat poet get on the keyboard.

But then I noticed that the poem seemed to be related to a theft I had read about. Also, I noticed that there were typos in the text. Too many typos and way to obvious to have been simple miskeys on a standard keyboard.

So, having done some of the code breaking work for Salvation when the Hesperus was discovered, I took a look at the poem and found that the typos seemed to be an anagram for DISO.

Just as I finished 'decoding' the poem, Galnet's CMDRs' Forum started blowing up with chatter of some kind of 'gift' hidden on a moon in Diso by the Winking Cat.

Winking Cat? Where had I recently heard of that person? Then I remembered the article about recent thefts and of a clue that suggested that the Cat was starting some sort of hunt.

So, I reversed course and headed back to Diso to find out if the gift was where others said it was.

I will admit I was concerned that this may have been ganker bait but while I did see a couple of CMDRs at the cache site, we were all just there for the gift.

As I write this, I have already claimed the 2nd thru to 5th gift and am waiting for the last expected one to drop at some time around midday tomorrow.

Once that is done, I heading back out towards Jellyfish.
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︎1 Shiny!
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