Cmdr Hangfireflip
Explorer / Mechanic
Registered ship name
Planet Express
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Type-9 Heavy HGFR14
Overall assets
Elite Dangerous Au & NZ

Logbook entry

Exploring towards Jellyfish Nebula

24 Feb 2016Hangfireflip
Reached my latest waypoint of Phaa Thua HW-N D6-1. Scanned a Neutron Star but discovered a marker buoy that indicated that I was not the first there. No matter. Still a lot of virgin systems out this way.

Setting up next 1000ly leg toward Jellyfish. Hopefully I will be in range of the Nebula by the end of this leg.

Aim is to explore Nebula looking for UAs and barnacles.

Pretty lonely out here, but I am getting Galnet and EDANZ updates so I can keep up on the struggle in Kunti.

CDMR Hangfireflip signing off
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