Cmdr Hangfireflip
Explorer / Mechanic
Registered ship name
Planet Express
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Type-9 Heavy HGFR14
Overall assets
Elite Dangerous Au & NZ

Logbook entry

Next leg to the Jellyfish Nebula

25 Feb 2016Hangfireflip
Have calculated the next waypoint for my journey out to the Jelly Fish Nebula.

125 economic jumps to COL 89 Sector YC-T B33-1.

Stars getting a little thin as I pass between the Orion Spur and the Perseus Arm. Fortunately, Cleo is a stripped down Asp Explorer with a max jump range of 33 Ly fully fuelled. If I reduce fuel load to about 1/4 full, I can get 35+ ly out of her.

Repair state is good. All modules are still above 90%. The hull is a little stressed at 68% due to some heavy landings on Hi-G planets to get materials. But worth the damage as I now have a couple of 1st Level FSD boosts if I get stuck in a really thin patch.

Have done about 8 jumps from Plaa Thua HW-N D6-1. Currently explorering Plaa Thua GG-F C11-2.

Point of Interest: I am apparently following some asshat. By that I mean CMDR Asshat has left 1st Discovery marker buoys on the primary star of a couple of systems I have recently charted.
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︎4 Shiny!
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