Cmdr Hangfireflip
Explorer / Mechanic
Registered ship name
Planet Express
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Type-9 Heavy HGFR14
Overall assets
Elite Dangerous Au & NZ

Logbook entry

All aboard the Freight Train

26 Apr 2016Hangfireflip
About 3 months ago, Cleo's base mission system failed while I was out near the Jellyfish nebula. Something had failed on in the Morons of Sirus Incorporated (MSI) CPU hardware and the Mr Sirus (MS) operating software (DOORS) also failed.

This resulted in a loss of my backed up exploration data on Captain's Log, as well as corrupting my voice control (A.S.T.R.A) and Head tracker software. Fortunately, I had backed up my explorer data with the UC database via burst transmission before I lost access the GALNET.

Took me a month to re-build the Mission System and OS and then re-load the voice and head tracker software. Of course that meant periods of low power. As a result I had used all my emergency rations while the replicator was off line. So, I decided to head back to Kunti.

Got Shelby (my Cobra) out of storage and did some work around Kunti. But I needed scratch to increase the firepower of my fleet, and nice as Cleo and Shelby are, they don't have the load capacity for serious trading.

So, I bought a clapped out T6, fitted it up for max defence, max running away and as much cargo space as I could. In the end I had a T6 with 100T space and a laden single jump range of 17ly. Thus, was born Rufu T Freight Train. What's the T stand for? "The". Named after an old staffy canine I had who hit the door like a freight train when his dinner was being prepared. Like a staffy, the T6 is squat, square and tough, but not very fast and with lousy teeth.

Bummed around, asked questions in the various taverns in the local cluster and finally found a good run between Cemiess and HIP 106213 trading Gold and Imperial Slaves. The run gave me about 450 to 460K per loop. Each loop taking about 5 to 10 mins.

Been interdicted many times but the mil grade armour and A3 Shields keep the beams and bullets at bay while the FSD spins up.

In the last week have increased my trading score to the point where I have ranked up to Broker.

So now that I have reached Broker, I have returned to Kunti to change ships. I think I will look at a Viper 3 and fit it up for hunting. (5% from ranking up to Expert). Also looking to do some Navy work to rank up with the empire (cue the Imperial March from Starwars). Lastly, will be doing some subversive actions in Kunti that will hopefully help get two factions into a civil war so war bonds can be gathered.
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