Logbook entry

Communique, January 03, 3303

03 Jan 2017Mhera Bathana
To my colleague and dearest friend, Doctor Camille Drake.

Firstly, I should apologize for not corresponding sooner, but as you know, the kick off of any grant is quite a hectic affair. I was surprised to find that the proposal itself was accepted with only a few minor revision and edits. The IRB was pleased and the granting agency was amiable. I have to say, I got a look at the ship. She is, amazing. The engineers did a bang up job. She's a Diamond Back Explorer. The agency was kind enough to allow me to name it, and I thought it fitting to call it the Beagle. I've always had science crush on Charles Darwin.

Although I cannot pilot it, the granting agency was able to find one...

Mhera stood at the observation window. Her view spanned out over the docking pad. A Diamond Back Explorer sat below her, and little puffs of steam vented from various locations on it. She smiled and quietly moved a bang from her eyes.

"Ah hem..." Came a male voice.

Mhera turned. There standing to attention was a tall man, a few inches above six foot. He was athletic in build, like a person who enjoyed field and track. His black hair was cut short, and stylized in a spiky like fashion, and his eyes were a brilliant green, like two emeralds.

...Needless to say he's gorgeous. I have no idea how I'm going to focus on my work at hand. His name is Brandon Meyers, and he is younger. only 22, which when I think about it... Anyway, he gave me a short tour of the interior. I am pleased to say that the lab has been set up to specifications. Meyers told me that it is where a cargo bay would be. The space is tight, but that is to be expected. Along with the lab, are three small living quarters. And when I say small, I mean, small...

Mhera stood in her room. The small corridor was only as wide as she was. To her left was a bunk, that also served as a desk, and on the other wall was a view-screen and a cubby recessed into it for clothing. She smiled. "Cozy" The woman turned to Meyers, and he ushered her out.

"I will show you the Scarab." He said in a smooth voice. Mhera turned to follow him out. She passed by the small lab, then through the engine compartment, then into a hanger.

Mhera looked at the rover. "Is it suppose to look like its all twisted up?"

Meyers chuckled. "Its, collapsible, to utilize what space we have better."

...I have to say, that the scarab looks like a death trap. But Meyers assured me that's how it should be. He claims that he is just as proficient in operating it as he is with the ship. I guess I'll have to take his word at it.

The third member of the crew arrived. Doctor Mary Lewis. She is a post doctoral working under me. I have been pleasantly surprised with her work in the past, and although a bit eccentric - and I say that both physically and scientifically- her science is sound. She has this unique ability to think, out side the box. And I mean, by light years...

"Mary, this is Brandon Meyers, our pilot." Mary held out a heavily tattooed hand and shook Meyers. Her hair was died in various shades of colors making it look like a flowing rainbow. She wore contacts that made her eyes a glowing yellow and had more piercings then anyone would care to count. Ears, lips, nose, eyebrows and probably other places.

Brandon smiled, and Mhera sighed.

Well, I guess us old fogies.....speaking of which, how is Hermes? I am so grateful you could watch him. I know your husband is allergic to cats, could you thank him again for me? I would have loved to have taken him with me, but I felt that it would be too much of a hazard for his fluffiness.

Anyway, all of our provisions were loaded, and that I was surprised went off without a hitch. We were given clearance to depart, and I was allowed to sit up front with Meyers. And wow, was it amazing. I cannot even begin to explain what it was like to watch the ship slip through station and through.....what did Meyers call it...Oh, yes the "Mail Slot." But it wasn't just that. It was all the other ships buzzing around. I felt like an ant!

And I know we've been on tips before, but to be in the cockpit during, and specifically after a jump....Phew, there is nothing like it. Meyers set the ship down on the surface of the first planet on our list to research out. It was quite smooth. He knows what he is doing. He and Mary have collected a few samples, and I've been busy working up the data. I will be sending the first set of results to you shortly after I've sent this letter.

All the Best,
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