Logbook entry


25 Jan 2017Mhera Bathana
To my colleague and dearest friend, Doctor Camille Drake,

The exploration and cataloging has been an adventure to say the least. So far we have discovered, or I hope, since our database is limited on the Beagle around 50 new species of plants. I have run some toxiogical analysis on them, and it would seem some of these little beauties might be candidates for further research. It's hard deciding which ones to put into cold storage, and which ones to leave behind. I want to keep them all, but with limited space, that is not possible.

We are currently docked in a station called Citi Gateway. It's a bustling hub of activity and I took to wandering the halls. Exploring, and researching the locals, traders and to my surprise, this place has a culture all to it's own. I found a dingy bar. (I know, so not me, but I'm not really feeling me, if that makes sense) and decided to expand my horizons.

I met a lovely woman there. Her name was Ten. When I say women, I mean that in the general sense. She is a cyborg. She seemed lonely so I thought to engage her. She was delightful, if not a bit pragmatic; like a living computer. I had a lovely conversation and found a bit about her. I won't say here, for I fear she may be wanted as some failed experiment.

A huge man approached us. One of those guys that spend all of his time in the gym. He was....forceful but not rude. He asked us some questions and seemed pleasant enough. Despite my usual tastes, I have to say I found him rather attractive. I don't know if its the excitement of this adventure speaking, or if it's the fact that Brandon, and Mary have roomed together. (It's getting rather old listening to them, especially in the evenings.) I've asked them to move it into the cabin at the far end so I can get some sleep. But it has left me feeling like a third wheel.

Needless to say, this individual was some sort of brute for a clandestine operation. His boss walked in; a short but extremely frighting woman and he immediately left us for her table. Apparently she was some sort of pirate leader. I decided to leave it well enough alone, but I found it odd that her personal bodyguard - another mass of man- was carrying a solid black balloon with the number 30 printed on it. It was surreal and really disturbing. But not so much as what happened next.

A very well dressed man entered the bar. He had a limp and walked over to the birthday girl's table. Shortly after, a shouting match occurred between him and another woman that joined the group. It didn't last long, and the well dressed man visited me.

Have you ever had that "feeling" something is not right? This man was smooth. He knew the right words. Almost practiced. He gave me a serious case of the heebie jeebies.

Anyway. Another bloke joined us. His name was Luke. He seems like a nice guy, though a bit effeminate. It's not really a problem, just so opposite to the other guys in the bar. There is something about him. He indicated some sort of death-wish. Not in a way that he was going to blow his own brains out; but rather, he didn't really have anything to live for. You, by now are undoubtedly aware of the alien footage. He wants to see one himself. After telling him a bit about myself, he offered to take me along. He said he wanted to show me his anaconda
(Ya, I know!). After some explanation, turns out its a type of ship. I seriously considered it, but the parameters of the research grant is clear.

I countered with an offer to take him along as a pilot. He accepted.

The question is, what do I do with Brandon. And, I need to keep my post doc. I can't do all the work myself. I fear if I bench the boy, Mary, won't go either...

Truly yours.

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