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The Heavy Date: Epilogue

27 Dec 2017Mhera Bathana
Stryker held the dying body of Mhera in his arms; behind them the blazing inferno of Exotica and the chaos of emergency crews and scared denizens of Clair dock was all but drowned out by a single moment. Mhera's hand opened and a small datastick slipped from her fingers. The large man held the body closer to himself as he gently picked up the small stick between the sharp talons of his cybernetic claw. Time seemed to stand still, yet it moved at lightning pace. He felt the gentle touch of a hand on his shoulder. Looking up he was the soft but traumatized face of Marra's personal assistant: Apollonia.

To my Mother, Father and dearest friend and confidant, Dr. Drake.

So much to tell you, and so little time. I know it has been a long time since I have written you. The short of it, is that I was taken captive while I was out exploring the Pleiades. I know that wasn’t in the grant but while I was taking on supplies at Citi Gateway I met a pilot. His name was Luke. He seemed forlorn and he talked me into taking the Beagle out to Maia to chase them and possibly study them. I don’t know why I agreed but I did. We did manage to see one. Not much to say. It’s big and in the same shape as the Gal-Net logo.Makes me wonder. But as we were coming back we were captured and I was sold into slavery. As I was transported with the other slaves, that ship was taken captive by Black Omega enforcers where I was forced into prostitution in a brothel called Exotica. Black Omega is a horrible crime syndicate operating out in the Pegasi region.

But, things are finally coming to a close here at Exotica. Soon, I will no longer be a slave to Black Omega and their filthy band of despicable human refuse that they make up. My time here has been hell servicing man after man, but one has come to my attention. Sven Aune. For some reason he had taken upon himself to help me out of here. At first I was skeptical, just another bloke with some wild fantasy, but this is going to sound strange. He never once laid a hand on me. Never once asked me to service him when he came to visit. The visits started off strained but over time I had gotten to know the man and a relationship has developed. Despite that he was a Black Omega Enforcer, he a good man. A slave to their cause he too was seeking a way to escape their grip. He is currently prepping his ship and we will be departing in a few hours. Where? Colonia. We think it’s far enough away where Black Omega won’t come after a wayward Enforcer. Yet. I know you are all worried sick about me. Months without correspondence I am sure you have all given me up for dead.

I am not sure if I am going to start a life with this man, but a part of me wants to. You remember all those conversations we had? About the man we were going to marry? Sven is nothing that I would have imagined as being a potential life mate. Curiously I find myself fantasizing a life with him. He’s a simple mechanic. Can you believe that? But sweet in his own unique way. I so hope at some point I can introduce you to him. I think you would like him. Camille, you fix up people, he fixes up machines. There is something in common right there!

Bags are packed, I’ve got an old Remlok waiting in his ship. He calls it the Broken Bow. It’s a curious name. I can’t imagine why he would name his after something that is broken? I’m sure there is a story behind it. I plan on asking him during our trip. He does have a shady past, and I’m sure he has done some terrible things, but I have to believe that they were at the ministrations of his twisted soon to be ex-employers.

You wouldn’t believe the things that Black Omega has done to people. They are truly evil all wrapped up in a shiny wrapper advertising peace and prosperity in the Pegasi region. But even their home station, Clair dock reflects this. Nicely kept, updated and fashionable on the outside, but the infrastructure is rotting at its core. Under the facade abysmal living conditions for most of the inhabitants. Slavery runs rampant. And a total disregard to human life. But that is all soon going to be behind us!

I will be sending another letter as soon as we make landfall at Eagle's Landing!

Much Love,

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