22 Jumps to HIP 8396
14 Nov 2015Kaocraft
It's a long haul to HIP 8396. I'm less than halfway there but I think it's time for a rest stop. I've set the Salvation down at Leclerc Terminal in the HOFF system for a refuel and to turn in the 55,000cr worth of scan data I've collected on the way. Going to have some dinner and then start on the next leg of this trip. Slow and steady. Gotta take my time and fly smart. I'm told that the outfitting station at HIP 8396 is severely understocked, which means I've decided to fly with all of my mining equipment in tow. With all of the Salvation's compartments already used up, I had to sell my shield generator to make room for a fuel scoop. No room for mistakes right now.