Logbook entry

The Saga of Grendel and Goldilocks (pt3)

16 Oct 2017Ohgren
It turns out that the Bodhengue system is an easy jump away with an agricultural planet close to entry. Bodabing-Bodaboom-Bodhengue. I'm just here for beer but then I see a crazy low price on whisky. Candy is dandy and beer is dear but liquor IS quicker. So, 4 tonnes of beer, 188 tonnes of the local hooch, a bag of chips, and I'm sure nobody will notice if I just sample a couple of these little beauties as a quality assurance service. Heh! I do love this life! I wobble my way out of the station and punch it back to Grendel.

That's when the dangerous rated pirate in the Gun Ship popped me out of supercruise. FUCK! I'm just trying to bring some damn beer back for a party and you are going to 'dict with ME! Fuck you! Well, he has a bounty from the same group that's throwing the party so I figure I can kill him to get in even tighter with madame purple lips. Heh! You sly dog! Boost, boost, boost, weapons hot and combat pitch back around just as he hits me with the friggin' beam lasers. Shit. He got the first lick in but my shields still have 2 rings and now I'm really pissed. So we go back and forth a few times. I'm getting the best of him but taking some damage. I'm down to about 50% hull and he's at 15% when the cops show up. He makes one final desperate run at me. Both our shield chargers are clanging away trying to recharge. I give him all three large lasers and 2 smart missiles just to shut him up. Somehow, he boosts past me and into the waiting beam lasers of the newly arrived federales who promptly blow his ass half-way to Sagitarius A. I wait to see my reward pop up. And wait. Then I realize the fucking cops took my fucking bounty and there's nothing I can fucking do about it! Aaaah! Man I hate this life!

Well, I limp the beer back to ol' dark eyes (Envoy Roselyn Rowe, you vixen, you...) who sort of burps and giggles at the same time as she gives me her frosty smile and says thank you. She turns back to the other bigwigs at the soire' leaving me alone with my empty bottles and my spite. I sell most of the whisky but keep 10 tonnes for pirate bait. The profit almost pays for the repair and reload of my ship after the attack of the no-bounty cops - I mean - pirate. Still, I have a good chance of making it all back and more! - What could possibly go wrong? (To be continued....)
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