Logbook entry

Research Facility 5592

20 Mar 2018SABR
Flight Log 20 March 3304
System HR 5991
Planet 1 B 33.4660  -2.1750

I took a flight out to HR 5591 today after watching a You Tube live stream. This abandoned base serves as an optional area to grab engineering materials similar to Dav's Hope. The materials don't seem to be as nicely organized, but the drops appear to be the same.  There are 4 beacons to scan which will give you insight into what happened here. It seems that the site was run by one Doctor Lewis. Members of the team discovered some sort of signal on the planet. When Doctor Lewis was told the signal disappeared but was later found and Doctor Lewis reported it to command. The last entry reads:

Cleaner team 26 reporting in.

Company Directive 3650 in effect. All data regarding project under Doctor Leis is now classified.

All assets have been processed.

What is directive 3650? Does processed mean killed?

Details of recorded log entries

Hidden Signal 1/4 Personal Log: it was here a few days ago I swear. Doctor Lewis said i'm lucky not to be fired for dragging them all out here. But it was right here, the proof that they existed. someone must be messing with me. there is no way that much data can be corrupted without leaving a trace. This can't be right. There seems to be a signal hidden in the corrupted data. I didn't see it before, and if the data hadn't been ruined I might never have seen it.

Hidden signal 2/4 Personal Log: I found it, they'll all think I'm crazy. but I found it. It's definitely not a natural signal or background noise. Iv'e run every test I can think of and they all confirm it's not natural or in human origin. Personal Log: I'm afraid to tell anyone about the signal. After last time, Doctor Lewis is reluctant to believe anything.

Hidden signal 3/4 Personal Log: I did it, I told Doctor Lewis and this time I had the proof. Everyone seemed really excited about it. Doctor Lewis is even sending in a special report to command. We might get some extra grant money out of this.

Hidden signal 4/4 Cleaner team 26 reporting in. Company Directive 3650 in effect. All data regarding research project under Doctor Lewis is now classified . All assets have been processed.
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