Hive Radio aboard The Gnosis - Waking up on Day 1
24 Aug 2018Gosht
Day 1Cone Sector FN-J b9-0
Hive Radio Tachyon Services
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From: Commander Gosht aboard The Gnosis
Report: Hello Viewers! It was a long ride out, and I don’t know what happened to my hair but just look at that ship and tell me it isn’t worth it. Yes how is this, aboard The Gnosis which is hanging out over this nearby neutron star in 64 Orionis.
Though the medics assure me I’ve slept enough, but at breakfast I heard that a group on Mistroom, a nearby planet in this quadrant, had already predicted that our Symbolic Processors would return at this time I thought I was still dreaming.
Isn’t it amazing?
If you’ve been subscribed to Hive Radio during this exciting period, you’ve already seen Thargoids in combat but how many of you have heard of Xanctu? It's mentioned in an ancient Guardian song that they would return at this time. The legend of a unified multiverse?
Don’t we live in interesting times?
Yes viewers, I’m here on The Gnosis, surely a wonder of modern times.
We’ll soon have eyewitness reports, and you’ll get the schedule on those after the show. Breathe deep and slow viewers, because only Hive Radio gets it to you like it is and however your cycle went, whether you’re encased by rock, metal, ceramic - or lucky enough to be walking around on a planet you can pin this moment.
Addendum: Latest confirmed news indicates that The Gnosis has departed 64 Orionis accompanied by a halo of blue light and a thunderous acoustic explosion. We confirm that various Councillors, scientists, research staff, Canonn operatives, independent commanders, griefers, gankers, wanted pilots and culprits are now on board. May we remind you that nothing is yet known about what is yet to come in the Cone's locked sector.
– Hive Radio Tachyon Services -