Logbook entry

--Stardate 3303.01.06--[0501]--CMDR Zarturus-- // Electronic Logging and Record (ELR) Systems Repaired //

06 Jan 2017Zarturus
--Stardate 3303.01.06--[0501]--
Repairs to ELR Systems are now complete. Unfortunately the damage sustained during white dwarf incident in LTT 7421 resulted in all previous entries being lost. This entry will act as a summary of events between --Stardate 3303.01.02-- and --Stardate 3303.01.06—

--Stardate 3303.01.02::3303.01.03--

I, Zarturus Frierenstahl, received a promotion to status of Commander and was issued a complimentary Sidewinder. With the new title and ship, I set forth from Romanek's Folly in Morgor system and employed myself as a courier for the local factions. This quickly led me into Federation space. Although my intent was to become allied with the Independent Alliance of Systems, I remained in Federation space for the time being to exploit lucrative courier employment.
While I continued taking on courier missions in an effort to accrue credits, I also tried my hand at both mining operations and bounty hunting during this time. I found myself to be extremely inefficient at either trade, but I did discover I could be of great help to local law enforcement as combat support. The Federal Security Service was grateful for my assistance and allowed me to collect any bounties placed upon those whom I helped apprehend.

--Stardate 3303.01.04--
I transmitted an application to join the militia of the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps to Alioth system to show my dedication to the Alliance before arriving in Alliance space.
With the credits I earned, I was able to trade in the Sidewinder that was issued to me for a Viper MkIV and made a purchase of 20 units of Military Grade Fabrics to trade upon reaching Alliance space.  After modifying the loadout to my liking, I ventured forth from Volta Station in Kremainn system under Federation control on a route to Judson Station in Mizar, and Alliance system.

--Stardate 3303.01.05--
The incident with the white dwarf star mentioned the beginning of this log occurs. After transferring into system out of hyperspace, I find myself facing a white dwarf. Having no experience with these stars, I foolishly decided that this was the perfect opportunity to recoup the fuel I had spent on the way by scooping the powerful star. While scooping, I drifted dangerously close to the star and emergency systems interrupted the frame shift generator and speeds dropped out of supercruise. Heat rose exponentially to greatly exceed acceptable levels as I struggled to restore FSD capabilities. Heat levels reached 198% acceptable limits before FSD was brought back online. A few seconds away from critical systems failure, I jumped into hyperspace.
In addition to ELR systems, my cargo hold was significantly damaged during the incident resulting in complete loss of both cargo and records.
Several jumps later I arrive in Indaol system and decide to dock at Geronimo station to make repairs and safely refuel. Here I decided that my arrival in Mizar system could be postponed as I had already made it to Alliance space.

--Stardate 3303.01.06--
I accept several courier missions from local Alliance factions to recoup losses incurred from the loss of cargo. During these missions, I am contacted by AEDC officials and informed that my application into the militia has been accepted. I am now the their newest recruit, and my current goal is to gain favor with the Alliance in order to be issued a permit to Alioth system.
I conclude the day at Regiomontanus’ Pride in Farack system.

All further entries will be made at end of day and transmitted to AEDC headquarters. Barring any catastrophic accidents and severe lack of good judgement, there will be no further loss of record.

Weiter, weiter ins Verderben…

CMDR Zarturus, signing off.

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