Logbook entry

--Stardate 3303.01.08--//Gaining Alioth Independent's favor... the long way 'round//

09 Jan 2017Zarturus

--[1245]--GENERAL LOG--

Primary Objective: Obtain permit to Alioth System
A new day brings new opportunities... Yet, it does not appear to have any effect upon Alioth Independent and their willingness to post jobs. The representative of the organization with whom I've been dealing with seems very displeased with me. I'll admit that becoming "cordial" with the Federation during my first few days as a Commander was, in hindsight, a misstep. However, even after an explanation of my early situation and selling Federation system data to the local faction, I am still addressed with severe disapproval. I assure them that I am 100% ready to pledge myself to the Alliance and resign to performing various trades to help the local systems as much as possible, even without proper assigned work. In this way, I set off to assure Alioth Independent of my reputation.

--[1354]--MERCHANT LOG--

Townshend Hub  78 Ursae Majoris  
12.98 ly to
Levinson Vision   Alyuto  
Pad: L  13,178 ls  23 mins
Pad: M  393 ls  4 mins
Buy for 1,560 Cr Supply: 106
16 ×  Tea
Demand: 885 Sell for 2,158 Cr
Profit: 598 Cr/t 9,568 Cr

Levinson Vision   Alyuto  
8.95 ly
Carlisle Refinery   Doris  
Pad: M  393 ls  9 mins
Pad: M  237 ls  18 hours
Buy for 954 Cr Supply: 334
16 ×  Uraninite
Demand: 9,868 Sell for 1,224 Cr
Profit: 270 Cr/t 4,320 Cr

Carlisle Refinery   Doris  
8.98 ly
Landis Freeport   Sobek  
Pad: M  237 ls  18 hours
Pad: M  4,183 ls  3 hours
Buy for 6,468 Cr Supply: 22
15 ×  Superconductors
Demand: 0 Sell for 6,650 Cr
Profit: 182 Cr/t 2,730 Cr

--[1400]--GENERAL LOG--

I arrive at Carlisle Refinery in Doris System, about halfway through my trade loop of the local systems, when I am thoroughly surprised to find a job waiting for me from Alioth Independent. I suppose a little goes a long way... A little being things like Tea, Uraninite, and Superconductors, and a long way being 30ly. The mission was simple: Sobek has a shortage of Power Generators. I was to find, retrieve, and deliver 12 units to Landis Freeport. I gladly accepted the opportunity to prove my worth to A.I. and disembarked promptly.

--[1427]-- MERCHANT LOG--

Landis Freeport   Sobek  
7.71 ly
Hudson Enterprise   Megrez  
Pad: M  4,183 ls  3 mins
Pad: L  27,366 ls  21 hours
Buy for 4,539 Cr Supply: 52
20 ×  Silver
Demand: 276,065 Sell for 5,364 Cr
Profit: 825 Cr/t 16,500 Cr

Hudson Enterprise   Megrez  
7.71 ly
Landis Freeport   Sobek  
Pad: L  27,366 ls  21 hours
Pad: M  4,183 ls  9 mins
Buy for 306 Cr Supply: 3,237,923
20 ×  Power Generators
(Did not make profit due to mission parameters.)

--[1432]--GENERAL LOG--

 As I pick up the Power Generators I'd find at Hudson Enterprise in Megrez system, a voice comes over the comms making threats concerning me and my cargo. I am informed by A.I. that this is a pirate from a rivaling local faction and that I should expect trouble on the return journey. Sure enough, after arriving in Sobek system and as I make my way for Landis Freeport, I am interdicted by the raving lunatic making threatening remarks over comms. I submitt to the interdiction, thinking that he would expect me to run, that I am piloting a simple cargo ship or something other than my Viper MkIV. By turning to fight, I would effectively put him on his heels. It is time for this pirate to learn why I named this ship Enceladus' Fire. The plan works perfectly, and the fight goes exactly as expected. His craft is outfitted to take down ships without a fight, and puts up little in the way of resistance once he knows the ferocity with which I can turn and fight.
Upon arrival at Landis Freeport, I turn in the Power Generators, am rewarded with 80,000Cr, and I turn in the bounty on my pursuer for an additional 9500Cr. Not a bad way to make your first impression upon a faction that started out by looking down on you. A great second impression would be to successfully complete the assassination mission on the leader of this piratous faction they have waiting for me at the job board...

--[1544]--MERCHANT LOG--

Landis Freeport   Sobek  
14.26 ly
Ousey City   Phekda  
Pad: M  4,183 ls  4 mins
Pad: L  5,840 ls  2 days
Buy for 4,539 Cr Supply: 67
20 ×  Silver
Demand: 29,583 Sell for 5,814 Cr
Profit: 1,275 Cr/t 25,500 Cr

Vasilyev Vision   LP 131-66  
3.68 ly
Townshend Hub   78 Ursae Majoris  
Pad: L  206 ls  9 hours
Pad: L  13,178 ls  2 hours
Buy for 112 Cr Supply: 643
20 ×  Hydrogen Fuel
Demand: 703,675 Sell for 164 Cr
Profit: 52 Cr/t 1,040 Cr

Townshend Hub   78 Ursae Majoris  
11.28 ly
Leichhardt Vision   LHS 2789  
Pad: L  13,178 ls  2 mins
Pad: M  13,268 ls  5 hours
Buy for 1,560 Cr Supply: 106
20 ×  Tea
Demand: 801 Sell for 2,071 Cr
Profit: 511 Cr/t 10,220 Cr

--[1617]--GENERAL LOG-

After a few more trades along the way to the location where I am to find my pirate target, I arrive in 78 Ursae Majoris only to realize I removed the warrant scanner from the Fire's utilities due to disuse. Although I have been given a timeframe for my target's arrival in-system, I have no way of knowing where my target is to be, and A.I. is not forthcoming with any additional mission details. After flying around the system for quite some time, I notice that the time window for my target is passed, and I am not likely to find him. I regretfully inform A.I. that I am abandoning the mission. After a success comes a failure, and oh how the Fates do weep...
Thankfully, I find at Leichhardt Vision, a final job for the day. All I need to is deliver some data. No cargo, no interdictions, just data delivery. I turn in the mission at Landis Freeport in Sobek and find that I have finally received a "cordial" reputation with A.I. I could not be more relieved! However, they yet again, have no jobs for me to perform. With that, I call it a day...

Weiter, weiter ins Verderben…

CMDR Zarturus, signing off.

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