Logbook entry

--Stardate 3303.01.10--//Hunting in LHS 2637, progress with A.I. and a new starship!//

12 Jan 2017Zarturus
After a search around for an RES in systems controlled by Alioth Independents comes up empty, I resign to finding a heavy traffic area in LHS 2637. This proves to be extremely lucrative. Bounty after bounty fall by my lasers with help from local law enforcement. I quickly have a sizable stack of papers to turn in upon my return.

I decide it is almost time to return to base and show Alioth Independents my fine handywork, when I locate a final target to bring in. The target pops up on my radar beneath me as I fly above the icy ring of the planet. As I plunge into the ice field, I wonder if the local law enforcement has noticed this wanted man as well. As none seem to follow my dive, I expect that they do not and decide not to fire on the target until they arrive for back up. I close in on my bounty and am hailed by the pilot.

"Let's see what's in your cargo hold." His voice comes across the comms thick and corse.

I cut my engines and allow the pirate to check my empty cargo hold. I am facing his ship with my hardpoints presented. Law enforcement crawls about overhead, above the ice, even if a little far from my location. I have no fear of being searched under these conditions.

Then I see two wingmates slither out from behind the large chunks of ice on either side of my sly adversary. It is at this moment that I knew I had made a grave mistake.

"Another dud. Not even worth my time." My heart climbed out of my throat. "Let's kill him anyway!" *GULP*

It may be worth noting here that I can't be for certain that this is how the serpant I stepped on worded his command for my demise, because adrenaline tends to cloud the memory in a smog of quickly processed thoughts, none of which are commited to memory. However, I'm pretty sure the sentimant of the murderous ringleader is the same: I am to die for wasting his time...

Realizing my blunder, I immediately divert all power to thrusters and attempt to boost away as they open fire. Their missiles and lasers rip past my point defense and through my shields in a matter of seconds as I frantically search for an Alliance peacekeeper. It seems they have abandoned me, for they're nowhere nearby. I dodge with my side and vertical thrusters as I divert power to systems to bring my shields back online and attempt to free myself from the ring's mass lock. I'm attempting to do to much, resulting in too little, too late. I eject at the last second, and the grim realization hits me... Enceladus' Fire is no more.

Luckily I had insurance. So shortly after my escape pod arrives at the station and an insurance claim is filed, Enceladus' Fire MkII is carrying me back to that icy ring to exact revenge, several thousand credits and many valuable bounties shorter.

After I eventually return to Rominger Dock in 78 Ursae Majoris with many re-earned bounties in tow, Alioth Independents finally shows me some long due respect by offering several jobs. Most of the jobs offered pay really well and have the bonus of furthering my reputation with A.I. So I gladly take them all, despite knowing bounty hunting to be more lucrative. I have my foot in the door at last; I may as well keep it there. At the end of the day, I find myself with a sizable balance of credits, and decide that it is time to purchase the second ship in my fleet. 

A brand new Hauler, fresh off the line, is in my possession, and I've taken to naming it the Icarus Dream Suite. It's not much, but I can tell it will be a reliable vessel when ferrying me through the stars. This is vital, for it is in this ship that I will strike off into the unknown in the name of discovery; hopefully to return with very valuable data for which Alioth Independents will grant me a permit to their precious system. So here's to discovery!
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