Logbook entry

Lost in space....

21 Aug 2016Tiger61378
C#45$@9)rs L0g

*sounds of banging*

Commander's Log, RDS Exploration vessel Endless Transit, somewhere a few thousand LY "above" the galactic plane. I've been out here since sometime in April, and have been making slow progress towards the roof of the galaxy, to be followed by a trip to Sag A*. However, some things have happened recently. My flight computers have been acting up mass*(&^%*^cently, causing all sorts of strange things to go on aboard my ship. For nearly two months the only system that was working was life support, and I had to reprogram the entire system, not to mention cannibalize parts from the c0mu#ic@t10ns array, in order to get things running again. And I'm still having problems with this fucking log recorder...

*Commander, please refrain from the harsh language, or I may have to disable myself again*

Damn...see what I mean? Even the ship's computer is getting a bit strange out here...the blackness of the deep outside of our galaxy is beautiful, but terrifying. And the extra radiation out here seems to be degrading systems in unpredictable ways...but, I'm going to keep pressing on through the Blae A*(&^%

*Commander, is it advisable to broadcast our position*

Crap, good point Sandy...Ok, pushing on through my current area of exploration, until it becomes time to head for Sag A* and finally add my name to the visitor's log there. Afterwards, I'm sorta torn...I may head to Jaques and buy a temporary mining vessel to help with the station repairs, or I may press on towards Beagle Point first. Its kinda tough to decide right now, what with the rumors about the Unknown Probes, Aliens, and maybe even Thargoid battlecruisers that have been buzzing around when I can manage to pick up the Galnet feed.

Well..guess I should get back to work...

*Commander, 2 unidentified contacts spott....bzzzzt*

Ah, crap
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