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Singing...what IS that singing....

06 Sep 2016Tiger61378
A little update since my last log...the system seems to be behaving itself again after some rather...er...crude work on the processors was done.

Commander, crude isn't the word, did you really HAVE to damage my speech modules?

Eh, shut up...that unidentified signal spoof was NOT funny after those recent GalNet articles, and I'm still pissed off at you about it.

Ok...moving on from the ship's computer...I stumbled into a rather large neutron star field a few days ago, and have been slowly working my way through.  And that's when it happened...I found my first undiscovered black hole.  Naturally, I had to move in and see it for myself..

And that's when it happened.  I dropped in, got right up to the body exclusion zone, and suddenly there was singing.  Sounded almost like whalesong, or those strange alien things they keep finding out around Merope (Unknown Artefacts and Probes, I think they're called...never seen one myself, just some holo transmissions on Galnet).  It was mesemerizing...and strange.  So strange.  I swear the black hole was trying to tell me something...but I have no idea what.  I wonder if this is what space madness feels like...

Commander, your neural scans don't show any ab..


Yes, Commander

Well, on the plus side, since I visited that black hole it led me to three more (one of which had, unfortunately, already been visited by another explorer sometime in the past), more Neutrons than I was keeping count on (including a strange trinary neutron system...my only question there is HOW three stars could go supernova, and all leave neutron stars as remnants in orbit with each other....), and even another Earthlike world, complete with a very Luna-like moon.  I'm currently parked in the system with the previously visited black hole,  hovering over the ring of a pure black gas giant (black hole systems are very strange...even the ice rings of this gas giant look pitch black until you drop into them), and looking down at a massively thick pile of icy rocks, all surrounded by one of the thickest fog banks I've ever seen in space.  The beauty out here is amazing...although I almost wonder if I should get close to another black hole and see if that one will talk too.

Commander, the black hole wasn't talking, it was just feedback from the radiation it was emitting.

Ok...either you shut up or I'll completely disable your speech software...

Yes Commander

That's all for now...I'll report back in again in a few days.
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