Logbook entry

What was I thinking?

18 Oct 2015Tiger61378
Parked back at home in Thome Gateway, I'm looking around my new ship and asking myself....What the hell was I drinking last night? Ok...probably needs a little explanation here. I was out hunting around to purchase a Vulture last night in a disposable Sidey taxi, and stumbled into a station that was stocking Federal Dropships. Naturally, being a good Imperial citizen, I never have been able to purchase one of those ugly things before...wait, its available to purchase? Did the Fed rank I gained during the Hutton Mug runs actually unlock it? Well, why not...I've got the extra cash right now, and the Long Haul is starting to get a bit long in the tooth, so I can always sell her when the discounts and rank locks are released on the Clipper, so I went and bought it. RDS Centurion is now in my fleet...and I feel dirty as hell. But hell..she's big, she's tough as the brick she resembles, and she packs a hell of a punch as well. I think she'll make a good combat trader, other than her horrific jump range...at least once I've built up the reserves to truly make her a great ship.
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︎1 Shiny!
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