Logbook entry

Where am I?

03 Dec 2017Tiger61378
*beeping and powering sounds*

"Greetings Commander, Main Computer Online. CMDR System 10, system diagnosis. Life Support, Online. Main Power, Online. Navigation, Offline, check data drives. Weapons, Offline, None installed. Shields, Online. Thrusters, Offline, check navigation systems. Main drives, Offline, check navigation systems. Frameshift Drive, Offline, check navigation systems. AMFU, Offline, status normal."

I climb back out from under the avionics bay and wipe some sweat and grime off my face.

"Yes, finally working...damn, its taken a while."

You might be wondering how I got here. A few months ago I parked up in a ring around a nondescript Gas Giant for the night, on my way home from Sag A*. While I was sleeping, SOMETHING passed by and scanned my ship...and knocked it into the ring. The first I knew that something was wrong was the power going down, followed by a number of loud bangs. I managed to get the maneuvering thrusters back up just as a strange black cloud was clearing nearby, so I'm not even sure what hit me, but at least I was able to limp the Endless Transit back out of the ring. Since then, I've been trying to fix all of the damage...one of the rocks hit right on the avionics bay, taking out the ship's main computer, disabling the AMFU, thrusters, powerplant...well, basically everything. Let me tell you, spending 2 weeks in a RemLok doing spacewalks to pick up and repair the computer parts, not to mention rigging the AMFU to operate on the avionics bay itself (didn't know that thing would rebuild a computer, but I managed it), was NOT fun. At least I managed to get the life support and power back on within about half an hour, and that let me keep the RemLok charged between trips outside.

"Computer, estimated time to rebuild navigation computer drives?"

"Appears to be around 3 days, Commander. Estimated time of repair roughly 22:00, December 5, 3303."

"Thank you computer. Keep working on it please."

[out of character] 2.4 broke Elite for my old laptop, but I have a new gaming laptop arriving on December 5th. So, I'll be back in the CMDRs seat soon!
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︎6 Shiny!
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